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"Farewell, Eric Brighteyes! my love my love, farewell!" she answered very slowly, and together they sank into a sleep that was heavy as death. Now Gizur, Ospakar's son, and Swanhild, Atli's widow, rode fast and hard from Mosfell, giving no rest to their horses, and with them rode that thrall who had showed the secret path to Gizur. They stayed a while on Horse-Head Heights till the moon rose.

Now Eric and his henchman Skallagrim the Baresark rode four hours and saw nobody, till at length they came to the brow of a hill that is named Horse-Head Heights, and, crossing it, found themselves almost in the midst of a score of armed men who were about to mount their horses. "Now we have company," said Skallagrim.

"I have no doubt of it, Monsieur. The 'Globe, of which we were speaking " "Yes, I've gone over it," said Margaritis. "I was sure of it!" exclaimed Gaudissart. "Monsieur, you have a fine frontal development; a pate excuse the word which our gentlemen call 'horse-head. There's a horse element in the head of every great man.

The seneschal acted as quarter-master to our lances, whilst Cavalcanti himself led us up the great stone staircase with its carved balustrade of marble, from which rose a file of pillars to support the groined ceiling. This last was frescoed in dull red with the white horse-head at intervals.

Thomas's Day, and "hoodening" or horse-head mumming is practised at Walmer, and bull-hoodening prevails at Kingscote, in Gloucestershire. The ancient custom of "goodening" still obtains at Braughing, Herts. The Hertfordshire Mercury of December 28, 1907, states that on St.

Thrice have we striven together once out yonder in the snow, once on Horse-Head Heights, and once by Westman Isles and still we live to tell the tale. Come down, Ospakar: come down from that soft seat of thine and here and now let us put it to the proof who is the better man. When we met before, the stake was Whitefire set against my eye. Now the stake is our lives and fair Gudruda's hand.

"Thrice have we stood face to face, Ospakar," said Eric, "and it seems that hitherto thou hast won no great glory. Now it shall be proved if thy luck has bettered." "Art yet healed, lord, of that prick in the shoulder which thou camest by on Horse-Head Heights?" roared Skallagrim.

I know this, that when thereafter we stood back to back and met the company of Ospakar Blacktooth, who came to slay us ay, and Asmund also, and bear away Gudruda to be his wife he warred right gallantly, till seven of their band lay stiff on Horse-Head Heights, overthrown of us, and among them Mord, Blacktooth's son; and Ospakar himself went thence sore smitten of this Skallagrim.

"So this is our hermit!" quoth he, a note of some surprise in his crisp tones. "Somewhat changed!" "By a change that goes deeper than his pretty doublet," said Galeotto. We dismounted, and grooms, in the Cavalcanti livery of scarlet with the horse-head in white upon their breasts, led away our horses.

Then, all being ready, they rode away secretly up Stonefell, Gudruda on her horse Blackmane, and the others on good geldings that had been hay-fed in the yard, and by daylight they passed up Horse-Head Heights. They slept two nights in the snow, and on the second night almost perished there, for much soft snow fell. But afterwards came frost and a bitter northerly wind and they passed on.