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"You're not madder than I am. We're all mad. Mad as hatters. You and me and Dank and Roddy and Uncle Victor. Poor Charlotte's the sanest of the lot, and she's the only one that's got shut up." "Why do you say she's the sanest?" "Because she knew what she wanted." "Yes. She knew what she wanted. She spent her whole life trying to get it. She went straight for that one thing.

Had she not been on the Elsinore, by this time I should have been so overwrought from lack of sleep that I would be biting my veins and howling as mad a hatter as any of our cargo of mad hatters. And so we come to it the everlasting mystery of woman. One may not be able to get along with her; yet is it patent, as of old time, that one cannot get along without her.

Others had charged after the Black Prince at Poitiers, and fought as serf or noble. in the war of the Roses; had been hatters or tailors in Cromwell's armies, or else had sacrificed lands and fortunes for Charles Stuart. These English had toiled, slow but resistless, over the misty Blue Ridge after Boone and Harrod to this old St.

To the ineffable disgust of the conservatives in Church and State, there were men with little education, utterly devoid of Hebrew, of lowly station hatters, curriers, tanners, dyers, and the like, who began to preach also; remembering, unseasonably perhaps, that the early disciples, selected by the founder of Christianity, had not all been doctors of theology, with diplomas from a "renowned university."

The Indians catch the otter for the sake of its dark shining fur, which is used by the hatters and furriers Old Jacob Snow-storm, an old Indian who lived on the banks of the Rice Lake, used to catch otters; and I have often listened to him, and laughed at his stories." "Do, please, nurse, tell me what old Jacob Snow-storm told you about the otters; I like to hear stories about wild beasts.

I heard one of the young men in the store say, two or three days ago, that he had sold his old hat, which was a very good one, to the hatter, from whom he had bought a new one or rather, that the hatter had taken the old one on account, valued at a dollar. I asked him a question or two, and learned that many hatters do this, and sell the old hats at the same that they have allowed for them.

"Lord!" muttered the porter as he saw them step into the wet. "Lord! they're mad mad as hatters." They swung into the damp stream of men and women with a fresh influx of strength. They felt the action of the world the vibrating pulse of the engines.

Somatic anthropology in particular tends to assume in some quarters such an overimportance that one falls back upon the recollection that the original head measurers were hatters and that all hatters are proverbially mad. The occupation would seem to carry the taint.

In the vehicles from London were conveyed milliners, toy-sellers, goldsmiths, turners, haberdashers, mercers, drapers, hatters, and in fact representatives of all the trades of the metropolis.

Think I'm off my head, sir? Sperrits? Why, ever so little drives those black chaps mad as hatters.