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"So de nex' night Jeff went back, en Aun' Peggy gun 'im a baby doll, wid a body made out'n a piece er co'n-stalk, en wid splinters fer a'ms en laigs, en a head made out'n elderberry peth, en two little red peppers fer feet. "'Dis yer baby doll, sez she, 'is Hannibal. Dis yer peth head is Hannibal's head, en dese yer pepper feet is Hannibal's feet.

Yesterday, almost all the Hannibal's men were sent in, which will make up our deficiencies, and partly man that ship, when in a fortnight she shall proceed on a particular service. These are trifling advantages compared to those that result from both actions.

Give him a good book on Hannibal's trip to study, and let him fill in a column or two every day with anecdotes about myself, and at convenient intervals unsuccessful attempts to assassinate Josephine may come in handy. Let it be rumored often that I have been overwhelmed by an avalanche- -in short, keep the interest up."

Hannibal's toilsome marches across the Alps and through Upper Italy only gave hardihood and courage to his legions, who came thundering at the very gates of Rome, and threatening its immediate overthrow; but a winter's camp-life at Capua left them shorn of their strength. But then we have remedial influences even in camp, and we hail them with no little delight.

So Hannibal found the road to Capua open, and by his unexpected appearance compelled the two consuls to raise the blockade which they had barely begun. Their cavalry had already, before Hannibal's arrival, been thoroughly defeated by the Phoenician cavalry, which lay as a garrison in Capua under Hanno and Bostar, and by the equally excellent Campanian horse.

These Numidian horsemen are often alluded to in the narratives of Hannibal's campaigns, and, in fact, in all the military histories of the times. Among the kings who reigned in Numidia was one who had taken sides with the Romans in the second Punic war. His name was Masinissa.

Hanno escaped in a boat, and went to Carthage to report to his superiors the disgraceful high treason of Hannibal's officer; the Phoenician garrison in the town was put to death by the Romans, and the citizens were sold into slavery . To secure the island from such surprises as the landing of 540, the city received a new body of inhabitants selected from Sicilians well disposed towards Rome; the old glorious Akragas was no more.

Conversation between Fabius and Æmilius. Resolution of Æmilius. The consuls join the army. Situation of Hannibal. Scarcity of food. Sufferings of Hannibal's troops. Defeat of a foraging party. Hannibal's pretended abandonment of his camp. Mission of Statilius. The stratagem discovered. Chagrin of Hannibal and the Romans. Apulia. Hannibal marches into Apulia. The Romans follow him.

"And why have you come hither?" "I have come by chance. Your pilot offered to bring me to Zacynthus, and I came. I felt stifled in New Carthage. I might have enlisted in Hannibal's army; it would have been sufficient perhaps to have revealed my origin to meet with welcome. The Greeks are paid great prices in every army.

I never heard of a dog doing that, and it's an idea. But we can try him. We've tried him at 'most everything else." "There's old Hannibal," said Charles. "He used to take a woman's head in his mouth with the old Sales-Sinker shows." "But old Hannibal's getting cranky," Collins objected. "I've been watching him and trying to get rid of him.