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Such a running away from the world does not satisfy our age, with its eagerness for life and life more abundantly; if it escapes the poignant sorrows it cannot happiness, or make life better for others. But we may well take to heart the half-truth taught by the hermits and monks of the past.

They are shown these inferior gorges, each called the Grand Canyon, and, because they do not know, they accept the half-truth. The other canyons they see are great enough in themselves to claim their closest study, and worthy to have distinctive names bestowed upon them.

Among sayings that have a currency in spite of being wholly false upon the face of them for the sake of a half-truth upon another subject which is accidentally combined with the error, one of the grossest and broadest conveys the monstrous proposition that it is easy to tell the truth and hard to tell a lie. I wish heartily it were.

Seen as a curious half-truth development made possible by a whole group of forces in action at the end of the nineteenth century, Christian Science is reasonably intelligible, but as a system of doctrine built upon the hitherto accepted bases of Christian fact and teaching, it is not intelligible at all and the long controversy between the Christian theologian and the Christian Science lecturer would best be ended by recognizing that they have so little in common as to make attack and counter-attack a movement in two different dimensions.

In the Nationalist letter to President Wilson reference was made more than once to the sympathy that prevailed in Ireland in the eighteenth century with the American colonists in the War of Independence. The use made of it was a good example of the way in which a half-truth may, for argumentative purposes, be more misleading than a complete falsehood.

Now she, with her Bible on her knees, shunted rapidly the whole truth behind a half-truth. "I guess she'll cut full as good a figure in my old silk and her old bonnet with a new ribbon on it as any of the girls," said she.

Buckle, is, therefore, either a half-truth, which does not sufficiently explain the cause of 'the progress of mankind, which the Historian avers that it unfolds, or it is actually false, accordingly as it is understood to state a verity which does not exclude the affirmative statement of an opposite and apparently antagonistic truth, or as it is interpreted to be the explanation of the whole or main cause upon which the advancement of society has depended.

He would not seem to be aware of that which his friend had suppressed. "That may be," Hone said very quietly. "But she will never marry me. And faith, I'll be honest with you, Teddy, for the whole truth told is better than a half-truth guessed for her sake I shall never marry another woman." He spoke with absolute steadiness, and he looked Duncombe full in the eyes as he said it.

You told him that man in the monastery that we are shadows set in a world of shadows." "That was a lie," he interrupted, and the weariness had gone out of his voice. "When I said that I had never loved, I had never loved you." "Or was it a half-truth? Aren't we, perhaps, shadow now in comparison comparison to what we shall be?

He was clear of fault in his own consciousness; but in the general censure he was involved with his associates known, so to say, by his friends, implicated in the meshes of a half-truth, where effort to clear one's self results in worse entanglement.