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Updated: August 9, 2024

Some puir body's hur-rted bad ba-ad like a toad under a harrow," grunted Andrew, and scrambled hastily on over a gray barrier of rocks, the girls following. Once again it limped painfully up to them, the cry, like a visible, broken thing. "Help h-help, I say!" Then, feebly, in rock-bitten echo: "Help!" "We must lift him out of the mud!

She glanced up once or twice impatiently. Once, looking at her apologetically he said: "I keep worrying about those bally cigarettes, old thing." She saw that his finger-nails, which three weeks' sanity had mended, were bitten and gnawed to bleeding again. "I c-can't h-help it, girlie." She felt raked up and nervous, too.

Dave grasped at the rail on the weather quarter, while Dan bent over him, hauling hard. And so Ella Wright was dragged unconscious into the boat. "I'd stay here in the water with you, Tom," explained Dave, "but I've got to be in the boat to do my share of handling her." "Th-th-that's all r-r-r-r-right," chattered poor Foss, "I'm d-d-d-doing f-f-f-fine here c-c-c-couldn't h-help in the b-b-b-boat"

I didn't quite catch it." "No! It sort er st-stuck on the way; 'h-help me' is pretty hard to say sometimes. I t-t-tell you, b-boys, there was millions of 'em, an-and I guess I shot a barrel full. When I saw that b-big flight coming, I wished you were here, and then I was g-glad you were not. For I w-wanted to see h-how many I should get.

Somebody somebody's yawping for help out here in this awfu' spot! Dinna ye hear it, children?" They did. Their flesh began to creep. Up, upward, struggling between great rocks, it climbed, that cry, where the stony teeth of the Man Killer bit the trail right in two. "Help h-help!" it pleaded. "Oh help!" Then feebly, but fierily: "Oh-h! confound it help, I say!"

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