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Updated: August 22, 2024

Then the hero of Berne made answer: "Fate would have it so. Gunther, most noble king, now through thy courtesie requite me of the wrongs, that have happed to me from thee, and make such amends, brave knight, that I may give thee credit for the deed. Give thyself and thy men to me as hostages, and I will guard you, as best I may, that none here do thee aught among the Huns.

I come as a herald from a far-off land, and I bear a message to all the kings and the noblest chiefs of Rhineland. If King Gunther will allow me, I will now make that message known." "Let the herald speak on," said Gunther graciously.

It concerneth me not how she useth it. Scarcely did I win her pardon. And now I ask not how she divideth her jewels and her red gold." But Hagen said to the king, "A wise man would leave such a treasure to no woman. By reason of her largess, a day will come that the bold Burgundians may rue." Then King Gunther said, "I sware an oath to her that I would do her no more hurt, nor will I do it.

So spake Dietrich of Bern. "Wherefore should I beware?" said the king. My sister Kriemhild, also, sent us many greetings." But Hagen said, "Bid Sir Dietrich and his good knights tell us further of this matter, that they may show us the mind of Kriemhild." Then the three kings went apart: Gunther and Gernot and Dietrich. "Now tell us, noble knight of Bern, what thou knowest of the queen's mind."

The lordly stranger stood now by the flowing spring. Passing great was Siegfried's courtesie. He laid down his shield where the spring gushed forth, but the hero drank not, albeit he thirsted sore until the king had drunk, who gave him evil thanks. Cool, clear, and good was the spring. Gunther stooped down then to the flowing stream, and when he had drunken straightened up again.

I have found it used in an almost identical manner in the overture to "Gunther von Schwarzburg," by Ignaz Holzbauer, a German opera produced in Mannheim fifteen years before "Die Zauberflote" saw the light of the stage lamps. Mozart knew Holzbauer, who was a really great musician, and admired his music. Connected with the fugue theme there is a more familiar story.

No one save the ambassador sat at Elizabeth's table, but in the same hall was spread another, at which the Earl of Essex entertained many distinguished guests, young Count Lewis Gunther of Nassau among the number.

Hagen, fearing that Siegfried might blunder in his reply, took the answer out of his mouth and said: “O Queen, the good knight Siegfried was hard by the ship when Gunther won the games from you. Naught indeed knew he of them

And Siegmund gave up his kingdom to his son, and the two lived in much peace and love together; and when in the tenth year a son was born to them, they called him by the name of his uncle Gunther. Also Gunther and Brunhild lived together in much happiness. They also had a son, and they called him by the name of Siegfried.

With Hagen by his side and followed by his courtiers, Gunther then walked toward the gates of the castle, which he reached as Siegfried and his knights rode through them. Graciously then did the King welcome the noble knight, and Siegfried, bowing low, thanked him for his kindly greeting.

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