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Several of the girls, the majority, indeed, had brothers or cousins at the neighbouring college. But "la robe grise, le chapeau de paille," here surely was a clue a very confusing one. The straw-hat was an ordinary garden head-screen, common to a score besides myself. The grey dress hardly gave more definite indication.

Much marked with irons. 'Ran away, the negress Fanny. Had on an iron band about her neck. 'Ran away, a negro boy about twelve years old. Had round his neck a chain dog-collar with "De Lampert" engraved on it. 'Ran away, the negro Hown. Has a ring of iron on his left foot. Also, Grise, HIS WIFE, having a ring and chain on the left leg. 'Ran away, a negro boy named James.

«Sur la cime même de la montagne, ces grès sont recouverts par une ardoise grise, luisante, qui s'exfolie

French, "Lavendière," "Hoche-queue grise," "Bergeronette grise." The White Wagtail is still scarcer than the Pied, but I saw one pair evidently breeding between L'ancresse Road and Grand Havre. The White Wagtail so much resembles the Pied Wagtail, that it may have been easily overlooked, and may be more common than is generally known.

The saying On se grise en parlant is quite applicable here. People often get drunk on nothing stronger than the flow of their own words.

Des schistes mêlés de parties calcaires. De la pierre calcaire pure. De larges filons de spath calcaire jaunâtre mêlés de quartz, faisant feu au briquet, et une peu d'effervescence. De la pierre calcaire pure grise, plus foncée que dans le bas. Des couches calcaires jaunâtres.

This is what Gérôme has done in the "Éminence Grise" a scene, it will be remembered, on a staircase in a palace interior. Manet inquires what would happen to this house of cards shored up into verisimilitude by mere correspondence, if Gérôme had been asked to cut a window in his staircase and admit the light of out-of-doors into his correspondent but artificial scene.

Twice Grise nearly fell; laden as she was, she lost courage, and although she retained sufficient discernment to avoid running against trees, she could not prevent her riders from having to deal with huge branches which barred the road at the level of their heads and put them in great danger. Germain lost his hat in one of these encounters, and had great difficulty in finding it.

To them "the old white coat" an antique garment of unrenewed immortality was as much a subject of idolatry as the redingote grise to the soldiers of the first Napoleon, who had seen it by the campfires on the Po and on the Borysthenes, and believed that he would come again in it to lead them against the enemies of France. The Greeley of the popular heart was clad as Bennett said he was clad.

To them "the old white coat" an antique garment of unrenewed immortality was as much a subject of idolatry as the redingote grise to the soldiers of the first Napoleon, who had seen it by the campfires on the Po and on the Borysthenes, and believed that he would come again in it to lead them against the enemies of France. The Greeley of the popular heart was clad as Bennett said he was clad.