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Updated: August 27, 2024

Together they brought the body down, and Doltaire followed it to the burying-ground; keeping the gravedigger at his task when he would have run away, and saying the responses to the priest in the short service read above the grave. I said to him then, "You rail at the world and scoff at men and many decencies, and yet you do these things!"

'Not in this cemetery, so none o' your gammon, said the gravedigger, who had overheard me. 'The on'y people as is fools enough to bury jewels with dead bodies is the Gypsies, and they take precious good care, as I know, to keep it mum where they bury 'em.

He would like to have been a gravedigger, the priest of a religious confraternity, a cemetery warden; but his great dream, what most enchanted him, was a funeral; he would imagine, as a wonderful ideal, the conversations that the proprietor of a funeral establishment must have with the father or the inconsolable widow as he offered wreaths of immortelles, or as he went to take the measure of a corpse or strolled amidst the coffins.

In the evening, when the gravedigger came to lock the gates, he had to take the young man by the shoulder and shake him to his senses. "Locking-up time," he said. "You must go now." Peer rose and tried to walk, and by and by he was stumbling blindly out through the gate and down the street. And after a time he found himself climbing a flight of stairs above a stable-yard.

"I suppose she gets all the blame of the thing," the lady went on, with quiet exasperation. Dodge seemed thrown off his bearings. "Everybody in Craddock was a-talking about it, as was only to be expected," said the gravedigger. "Well, well, we're all sinners. Don't do to be too hard on folks. 'Pears sad like after keepin' 'spectable for all them years too sort o' waste." Mrs.

The procession moved through the sleeping city to the churchyard of St. James. Having arrived there they placed their burden on the ground at the door of the so-called Kassengewolbe, where the gravedigger and his assistants took it up.

"Of their bones are coral made." The storm broke with fury and outcries, and a blue radiance of drawn steel. A pistol ball sang past my ear. "Don't shoot!" roared the gravedigger to the man who had fired the shot. "Don't cut them down! Take them and thrust them under hatches until we've time to give them a slow death! And hands off the woman until we've time to draw lots!"

These Russians are defending their families, their homes, all that man holds most dear. We hate them for defending themselves; we would have despised them had they not done so." But about this time an extraordinary event occurred. You must know that my comrade, Zébédé, was the son of the gravedigger of Phalsbourg, and sometimes between ourselves we called him "Gravedigger."

With nothing behind: no support from the Government, no adequate supplies, few capable men; and all the time the dead, inert, dust-powdered air; the offices of policeman, doctor, apothecary, even undertaker and gravedigger, to perform; and the endless weeks of it all.

Until now, no sense could be made of the first verse which the gravedigger sings. It runs thus: In youth, when I did love, did love, Methought it was very sweet, To contract, OH! the time, for, AH! my behove, O, methought, there was nothing meet. Let it be observed what stress is laid on the 'Oh! the proper time, and the 'Ah! the delight felt at the moment of enjoyment.

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