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Then he set about writing his Flora Graeca; but he had a rough time of it travelling about in that rude land, and falling ill he had to leave his work undone. When nearing his end he came to Bath, like so many other afflicted ones, only to die, and he was very properly buried in the abbey.

The patriarch Jacob, by the same right, consecrated the altars which he made use of; in doing which it is more probable that he followed the tradition of his forefathers, than that he was the author of this custom. The same, or something like it, was also continued down to the times of Christianity." POTTER'S Archaeologia Graeca, b. ii. p. 176.

It grows plentifully in all rich grounds, and is common with Fat Hen and the other herbs usually collected for such purposes in the spring, and from which it is not readily distinguished: at least, I cannot describe a difference that a person ignorant of botany can distinguish it by. PERIPLOCA graeca.

Hence Graeca comitate. Provinciali parsimonia. Parsimonia in a good sense; economy, as opposed to the luxury and extravagance of Italy and the City. Locum mixtum. Enallage for locus, in quo mixta erant, etc. H. 704, III., cf. 25: mixti copiis et laetitia. Bene compositum denotes a happy combination of the elements, of which mixtum expresses only the co-existence. Acrius, sc. aequo==too eagerly.

Roberton says that in the space of a year Fremont read four books of Caesar, six books of Vergil, nearly all of Horace, and two books of Livy; and in Greek, all the Graeca Minora, about half of the Graeca Majora, and four books of Homer's Iliad.

That in composing this excellent production, he availed himself of the most approved works of Grecian original, we may conclude from the advice which he there recommends: Vos exemplaria Graeca Nocturna versate manu, versate diurna. Make the Greek authors your supreme delight; Read them by day, and study them by night. Francis.

But it is scarcely possible for a mind endowed with any active curiosity to be long conversant with the Latin classics, without aspiring to know the Greek originals, whom they celebrate as their masters, and of whom they so warmly recommend the study and imitation; Vos exemplaria Graeca Nocturna versate manu, versate diurna.

"Why, this is the very memorial I've been looking for all over the abbey and had pretty well given up all hopes of finding it." With that he went to it and began studying the inscription, which was in Latin. John Sibthorpe, I found, was a distinguished botanist, author of the Flora Graeca, who died over a century ago. I asked him why he was interested in Sibthorpe's memorial.

Arcebat eum ab illecebris peccantium, praeter ipsius bonam integramque naturam, quod statim parvulus sedem ac magistram studiorum Massiliam habuit, locum Graeca comitate et provinciali parsimonia mistum ac bene compositum.

How can anyone find an amusing subject in a poor hard-brained "studiosus," who cannot grasp that rule, inevitable in every career in life, that the second syllable of dropax, antrax, climax "et caethra graeca" in the first case is long, in the second short a rule extremely useful to a man later in life when he gets into some big scrape? But Fanny found it extremely ridiculous.