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That in composing this excellent production, he availed himself of the most approved works of Grecian original, we may conclude from the advice which he there recommends: Vos exemplaria Graeca Nocturna versate manu, versate diurna. Make the Greek authors your supreme delight; Read them by day, and study them by night. Francis.

'Nocturna versate manu, versate diurna'; which may be rendered thus in English: Turn Over MEN BY DAY, AND WOMEN BY NIGHT. I mean only the best editions.

But it is scarcely possible for a mind endowed with any active curiosity to be long conversant with the Latin classics, without aspiring to know the Greek originals, whom they celebrate as their masters, and of whom they so warmly recommend the study and imitation; Vos exemplaria Graeca Nocturna versate manu, versate diurna.

Gibbon wrote of Lord Hailes: 'In his Annals of Scotland he has shewn himself a diligent collector and an accurate critic. Gibbon's Misc. Works, i. 233. See ante, ii. 237. See ante, ii. 79. 'Versate diu quid ferre recusent, Quid valeant humeri. 'Weigh with care What suits your genius, what your strength can bear. FRANCIS. Horace, Ars Poet. 1. 39.

Indeed, all of these assassinations may be studied with profit by the advanced connoisseur. They are all of them exemplaria, of which one may say, Nociurnâ versatâ manu, versate diurne; Especially nocturnâ.

'Nocturna versate manu, versate diurna'; which may be rendered thus in English: Turn Over MEN BY DAY, AND WOMEN BY NIGHT. I mean only the best editions.

The refrain of Carlyle's advice during the most active years of his criticism was, "Close thy Byron, open thy Goethe." We do so, and find that the refrain of Goethe's advice in reference to Byron is "nocturnâ versate manu, versate diurnâ."