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The same retrograde motions affect the whole intestinal canal in ileus; and the oesophagus in globus hystericus. See this further explained in Sect. XXIX. No. 11. on Retrograde Motions.

H. Gaidoz, "Le dieu Gaulois du Soleil et le symbolisme de la Roue," Revue Archéologique, iii. Série, iv. pp. 29 sq. Bruno Stehle, "Volksglauben, Sitten und Gebräuche in Lothringen," Globus, lix. pp. 378 sq.; "Die Sommerwendfeier im St. Amarinthale," Der Urquell, N.F., i. pp. 181 sqq. According to one writer, the garlands are composed of St. As to the use of St.

She sometimes says that she "feels so unnatural all the time." The writer has known the voice of a girl to change so much during three weeks of "service" that she could not recognize it when the girl returned to her home. It alternated between the high falsetto in which a shy child "speaks a piece" and the husky gulp with which the globus hystericus is swallowed.

F.S. Krauss, op. cit. p. 319, quoting Wisla, vol. iv. pp. 1, 244 sqq. F.S. Krauss, op. cit. p. 318, quoting Oskar Kolberg, in Mazowsze, vol. iv. p. 138. F.S. Krauss, "Slavische Feuerbohrer," Globus, lix. p. 140. The evidence quoted by Dr. Krauss is that of his father, who often told of his experience to his son. Prof. Vl.

This purpose to construct a globus of the pure concepts was itself a mighty feat, which is assured of the continued admiration of posterity notwithstanding the failure in execution. He who shall one day take it up again will draw many a lesson from Hegel's unsuccessful attempt.

A. Senfft, "Ethnographische Beiträge über die Karolineninsel Yap," Petermanns Mitteilungen, xlix. p. 53; id., "Die Rechtssitten der Jap-Eingeborenen," Globus, xci. pp. 142 sq.. Dr. C.G. Seligmann, in Journal of the Anthropological Institute, xxix. pp. 212 sq.; id., in Reports of the Cambridge Anthropological Expedition to Torres Straits, v. Dr.

"The whole case is in fact one of simulative hysteria, in a young girl having the propensity to deceive very strongly developed. Therewith may be probably associated the power or habit of prolonged fasting. Both patient and mother admitted the occasional occurrence of the choking sensation called globus hystericus."

Compare M. Kowalewsky, in Folk-lore, i. p. 467. W.R.S. Ralston, op. cit. p. 240. W.R.S. Ralston, l.c. F.S. Krauss, "Altslavische Feuergewinnung," Globus, lix. p. 318. Ligho was an old heathen deity, whose joyous festival used to fall in spring. Ovid, Fasti, vi. 775 sqq. J. Grimm, Deutsche Mythologie,* i. 519.

Sickness and vomiting is a frequent symptom in the beginnings of fever-fits, the muscular fibres of the stomach share the general torpor and debility of the system; their motions become first lessened, and then stop, and then become retrograde; for the act of vomiting, like the globus hystericus and the borborigmi of hypochondriasis, is always a symptom of debility, either from want of stimulus, as in hunger; or from want of sensorial power, as after intoxication; or from sympathy with some other torpid irritative motions, as in the cold fits of ague.

With all submission, this is precisely the illusion which is absent, and it is perfectly possible for the most sympathetic reader to peruse the balanced outpourings of "Fulbert's niece" without the slightest tendency to that globus hystericus which all persons of sensibility must desire to experience.