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Updated: January 29, 2025
Here he adopts the investigations of A. Kowalewsky, and the deductions of Häckel founded upon them, concerning the larva of the ascidiæ, a genus of marine mollusca of the order tunicata, and sees in a cord, to be found in this larva, most decided relationship to the spine of the lancelet fish or amphioxus, the lowest of all the vertebrates, it being yet doubtful whether it belongs at all to the vertebrates.
Those who desire to inform themselves of the nature and extent of the evidence bearing on these questions may consult the works of Ruetimeyer, Gaudry, Kowalewsky, Marsh, and the writer of the present article.
Still more in detail, W. Kowalewsky has lately shown us the primitive history of the horse, and Leidy and Marsh have further completed it by the addition of American forms, the former having at the same time described the forms which have led to the tapir. But to such facts there are, on the other hand, experiences directly contradictory.
Compare M. Kowalewsky, in Folk-lore, i. p. 467. W.R.S. Ralston, op. cit. p. 240. W.R.S. Ralston, l.c. F.S. Krauss, "Altslavische Feuergewinnung," Globus, lix. p. 318. Ligho was an old heathen deity, whose joyous festival used to fall in spring. Ovid, Fasti, vi. 775 sqq. J. Grimm, Deutsche Mythologie,* i. 519.
I shall say little of the first years of my life, except that my father took especial care of my education, and sent me, at the age of thirteen, to the University of Konigsberg, where, under the tuition of Kowalewsky, my progress was rapid. There were fourteen other noblemen in the same house, and under the same master.
I do not think that we even yet know the precise links of connection between the two; but the investigations of Kowalewsky and others upon the development of Amphioxus and of the Tunicata prove, beyond a doubt, that the differences which were supposed to constitute a barrier between the two are non-existent.
In the worst tortures of affection I have never ceased to feel that the essential of happiness is that the heart should be worthily filled even with pain, yes, even with pain, the bitterest pain." And Sophie Kowalewsky, after intellectual achievements which have placed her among the most distinguished of her sex, pathetically wrote: "Why can no one love me?
This affair incited inquiry: Doctor Kowalewsky, our tutor, laid complaints before the University, and I was condemned to three hours' confinement; but my grandfather and guardian, President Derschau, was so pleased with my courage, that he took me from this house and placed me under Professor Christiani.
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