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Glenarvan was aware that by this mode of procedure, he and his companions would spare themselves needless humiliation. From the moment of embarking, the natives, who were very taciturn, like all savages, had scarcely exchanged a word, but from the few sentences they did utter, Glenarvan felt certain that the English language was familiar to them.

"What matter?" answered Glenarvan, "as long as he commands the MACQUARIE, and the MACQUARIE goes to New Zealand. From Twofold Bay to Auckland we shall not see much of him; after Auckland we shall see him no more." Lady Helena and Mary Grant were delighted to hear that their departure was arranged for to-morrow.

"And are they arrested?" asked Ayrton, eagerly. "No," replied McNabbs, without apparently noticing the EMPRESSMENT of the quartermaster an EMPRESSMENT which, moreover, was reasonable enough under the circumstances. "So much the worse," replied Ayrton. "Well," said Glenarvan, "who are the authors of the crime?"

"Say all you can, Ayrton," said Glenarvan, "the least indication may set us in the right course." "I only know this much, my Lord," replied the quartermaster, "that Captain Grant intended to visit New Zealand. Now, as this part of the programme was not carried out while I was on board, it is not impossible that on leaving Callao the BRITANNIA went to reconnoiter New Zealand.

No, it cannot be." After this, there was nothing further to do at Fort Independence but to shake hands with the Commandant, and thank him and take leave. Glenarvan was in despair at this complete overthrow of his hopes, and Robert walked silently beside him, with his eyes full of tears. Glenarvan could not find a word of comfort to say to him. Paganel gesticulated and talked away to himself.

Shall we try to catch it?" asked Lord Glenarvan. "If you like; it's all one to me," was his cousin's cool reply. "The more of those terrible creatures that are killed the better, at all events," said John Mangles, "so let's seize the chance, and it will not only give us a little diversion, but be doing a good action." "Very well, set to work, then," said Glenarvan.

Mulrady soon had a fire lighted on the grass, and a warm refreshing beverage to offer his master. But Glenarvan refused to touch it, and lay stretched on his poncho in a state of absolute prostration. So the day passed, and night came on, calm and peaceful as the preceding had been.

"Yes, my boy, I know that," replied Glenarvan. "And do you know that you are the best of all." "No, most certainly I don't know that." "Well, it is time you did, my Lord," said the boy, seizing his lordship's hand, and covering it with kisses. Glenarvan shook his head, but said no more, as a gesture from Thalcave made them spur on their horses and hurry forward.

"Well, then," said Glenarvan, seeing the ladies ready, "let us make a start." During the early part of the day, the thick brushwood seriously impeded their progress. Neither wagon nor horses could have passed where travelers passed, so that their Australian vehicle was but slightly regretted.

"Yes; all I heard was that some Europeans were prisoners, but I never saw them." "You are making a mistake," said Glenarvan. "It can't be some years ago; the date of the shipwreck is explicitly given. The BRITANNIA was wrecked in June, 1862. It is scarcely two years ago." "Oh, more than that, my Lord." "Impossible!" said Paganel. "Oh, but it must be. It was when Pepe was born.