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When he took his hat off, Saxon was frightened by a lump on his head the size of an apple. "D'ye know who did that? That Dutch slob Hermanmann, with a riot club. An' I'll get'm for it some day, good an' plenty. An' there's another fellow I got staked out that'll be my meat when this strike's over an' things is settled down. Blanchard's his name, Roy Blanchard."

He's a wild man, with an kinds of punches, a whirlwind, and he gets his man in the first rounds. He's put away a whole lot of cleverer and better men than him. It's up to me to live through it, that's all. Then he'll be all in. Then I go after him, just watch. You'll know when I go after him, an' I'll get'm, too."

Robin gets a topping good screw, and I'm doing quite a millionaire business in the poultry line." "Humph!" Sir Philip grunted. "Got any clothes fit for London?" She nodded. "Lots. Put away where moth and rust shan't corrupt their morals." "Well, get'm out and come up to Audley Square for a bit. You look I don't know the word I want peeked."

When I married Sammy he looked dretful peaky, the fack bein' he hadn't never been properly fed, an' it's took me all of the goin'-on fifteen years now, we been livin' together, to get'm filled up accordin' to his appetite, which is heavy. You see, Ma never had any time to attend to such earthly matters as cookin' a square meal but she's settin' out to have a lot of leisure with the Lord."

These were eaten with the honey of wild bees which the Indians had gathered during the summer. "These are good," Jean remarked, as she helped herself to a second bannock. "Where did you get this honey?" Kitty laughed as she pointed to her husband, who was dragging in several large sticks. "Sam get'm last summer. Bees bite Sam, see?" and she put her hands to her face and neck. "Sam head beeg.

He blew into Fresno an' rolled a drunk. Do you want to know how much he got? Two dollars and eighty cents. Get that? Two-eighty. And what did the alfalfa judge hand'm? Fifty years. He's served eight of it already in San Quentin. And he'll go on serving it till he croaks. Mrs. Danaker says he's bad with consumption caught it inside, but she ain't got the pull to get'm pardoned.

The weather continued calm and clear, and as the flying-fish were about in such immense numbers, I ventured to suggest to Goliath that we might have a try for some of them. I verily believe he thought I was mad. He stared at me for a minute, and then, with an indescribable intonation, said, "How de ol' Satan yew fink yew gwain ter get'm, hey?

Unable to bear it longer, he rushed from field headquarters shouting, "Let's get'm out, boys, let's get'm out," and would personally have led a volunteer party charging on foot into the grass if he had not been forcibly restrained and sympathetically led away, sobbing hysterically, toward hospitalization and calming treatment.