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Updated: August 6, 2024

There are, alas! treatises on farriery in the window; geographies, chemistries, and French grammars, on the trestles outside; for Samuel, albeit so great a philosopher as indeed to have founded quite a school, must nevertheless live.

"I always said I had no use for geographies except to put mustaches and things on the North Pole explorers and high hats on Columbus and Henry Hudson, but, believe me, I'm glad I remembered about those pearrl-bearing mussels hey, Slady? I hope the Alpine natives don't take it into their heads to come up herre afterr any of 'em just now. I just rooted around in the mud and got 'em.

Copernicus started, looked nervously about and then stared out of the window northward with a very business-like frown. "Is the' really an' truly a pole there?" Phoebe asked. "Yes," said Droop, shortly. "An' can ye see the meridians jammed together like in the geographies?" asked Rebecca. "No," said Droop, "no, indeed at least, I didn't see any."

Upon comparing notes, we found that we had all been similarly impressed with his enormous size, his shagginess, and his generally savage appearance, and had all been inspired at the same moment with an irresistible inclination to take him by the throat and rip him open with a bowie-knife, in a manner so beautifully illustrated by the old geographies.

Such is the land that the ancients called the Golden Chersonese but which is labeled in the geographies of today as Lower Siam and the Malay States.

Prodigious whirlpools, rapids, and cataracts, quite without any physical reason for existence, were thought to roar and roll just beyond the horizon. It is only within a few decades that the geographies have abandoned the pleasing fiction of the maelstrom, and a few centuries ago the sudden downpour of the waters at the "end of the world" was a thoroughly accepted tenet of physical geography.

Such storms, called cloud-bursts by the country folk, are not rain, rather the spillings of Thor's cup, jarred by the Thunderer. After such a one the water that comes up in the village hydrants miles away is white with forced bubbles from the wind-tormented streams. All that storms do to the face of the earth you may read in the geographies, but not what they do to our contemporaries.

Dr Hood paced the length of his string of apartments, bounded as the boys' geographies say on the east by the North Sea and on the west by the serried ranks of his sociological and criminologist library. He was clad in an artist's velvet, but with none of an artist's negligence; his hair was heavily shot with grey, but growing thick and healthy; his face was lean, but sanguine and expectant.

And so when I am grown a man I'll be a sailor, if I can, And sail upon the many seas We learn of in Geographies. And under the skillful command of Jackie Tar, they reached India. "We'd better land at night," said Jackie Tar, "so we won't be bothered with a lot of people watching us." So they waited until it was dark. "I've been thinking," said Jackie Tar.

Hence the graded series of School Geographies, for instance, through some five or six of which the pupil is obliged to wade, one after another, to find in each, only the same matter in sentences of a somewhat greater length. Hence, to go one step farther, the stupefying of so many minds in our schools.

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