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Updated: August 12, 2024

"Chairman of the Board of Selectmen's what he is." "Good man fur't," said Scattergood, waggling his head. "Calculate to be on good terms with him, Marvin? Perty good terms?" "Good enough so's he kin ask me to loan him two thousand dollars he's needin' a'mighty bad." "Give it to him, Marvin?" "Huh!" said Marvin, eloquently. "If I was to indorse his note, think you could see your way clear?"

"Ef ye'll shoulder 'em roun' the shore, yer welcome to what the skipper left fur't. What ye say, lads?" "We'll do't fur ye, Dirk, seein' yer cut," said the one who was called Darby. "Where be the boxes, man?" Dirk led them into the inner room, from whence they presently emerged, each with a trunk on his shoulder, and, bending with their burdens, started up the shore.

But ye ken do as ye like, an' ef ye say so, the youngsters shall take ter books an' sech, an' ye ken hev a room where ye say, I'll say fur't. I don' know, I don' know, lad; ye mus' do as ye think it best, anyway."

But Mas'r Dick well, his heart is all frizzed up, jes' as I telled ye afore. But de Lord'll open it sometime, honey, Hagar's got faith 'nough to b'lieve dat!" "Oh! I hope so," said Noll; "but what are the people going to do till then?" "Can't tell ye nuffin 'bout dat," said Hagar, making a vigorous clatter among her dishes; "'spects the day's comin', tho', when de Lord gets ready fur't.

Why, Stephen, 's this you? Quite a femily-party, I declare fur't! Wai, Miss Ruggles, I got kind o' tired settin' in the dark, an', ez I looked out an' see the dips blazin' in yer winder, thinks I, I'll jest run up an' see w'at's ter pay." "Why, there's only one dip," says Lurindy. "Wal, thet's better 'n none," answered Miss Mimy.

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