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Updated: August 18, 2024

Something of the sense of the impending, that comes over the spectator of a Greek tragedy, had entered that upholstered room, filled with those white-haired, frock-coated old men, and fashionably attired women, who were all of the same blood, between all of whom existed an unseizable resemblance. Not that they were conscious of it the visits of such fateful, bitter spirits are only felt.

On the range I might become a lawless bandit in the interest of picturesqueness; but here " "Here in the world of frock-coated statesmen nothing really interesting is to be expected." She walked her horse again. It occurred to her that he might wish an assurance of silence from her.

Another moment and the door was thrown open, when Mrs Asplin immediately gave a shriek of surprise, and fell prone against the wall. There stood the long table, set out with flowers and silver, and, in the centre seat, sat a handsome frock-coated figure, with every dish and plate of edibles massed around him in a solid circle of temptation.

I lost all consciousness of my neighbours stout German, frock-coated Turk, frowsy Jewess and saw only strange figures leaping in a circle of light, figures that came out of the deepest darkness to make a big magic. The leader flung some stuff into the brazier, and a great fan of blue light flared up.

'But look at this photograph! panted Sugarman desperately through the closing door. Surprise and curiosity brought her eyes back. She stared at the sheepish features of a frock-coated stranger. 'Four pounds a week all the year round, head cutter at S. Cohn's, said Sugarman, pursuing this advantage.

With his own hands he started untracing his cattle. Seeing what was in the wind, I stepped down and with ready help from the crowd set free the jaded animals that had brought us so far; and before our frock-coated companion had well emerged from the station again, we had picked him up and were off once more as hard as we could pelt.

"Then am I to tell our Mr. Blenkinsop," asked the frock-coated one, "that the money is not and will not be forthcoming?" "When next you smoke a quiet cigar with your Mr. Blenkinsop," I replied courteously, "and find conversation flagging, I rather think I should say something of the sort." "We shall, of course, instruct our solicitors at once to institute legal proceedings against your Mr.

The village doctor of Little Perkington may be an ignorant old buffer; but his life, with its three days' hunting a week, its constant invitations to shoot over the best preserves, and its free fishing whenever in the humour, is a thousand times preferable to the silk-hatted, frock-coated existence of the fashionable physician.

Soames hung his hat on a mahogany stag's-horn. "All right, Warmson, you can go to bed; I'll take him up myself." And he passed into the dining-room. James was sitting before the fire, in a big armchair, with a camel-hair shawl, very light and warm, over his frock-coated shoulders, on to which his long white whiskers drooped.

Instead of the frock-coated director they should set up the man with the shovel Ralph Lorimer, rampant, clad in flour bags, and heaving aloft the big axe, for instance, with the appropriate motto round the pedestal under him, 'Virtue is its own reward. No, I'm in charge of the pulpit this afternoon, Lee."

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