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Updated: August 3, 2024

"Since it's ov the first ordher, then," says his Riv'rence, "we'll have the less deffeequilty in reducing it to a simple equation." "You'll have no fractions at my side anyhow," says the Pope. "Faix, I'm afeared," says he, "it's only too aisy ov solution our sum is like to be."

"But what would be the use of fractions if the world came to an end?" "Oh, Mrs. Craven! do you believe it? I should feel just dreadful. The world has so many splendid things in it and to be burned up." "I should just be frightened to death," and one little girl shuddered. "Children, I am sorry anything has been said about this.

You're trying to boil off your various fractions, and unless you keep an even and controlled temperature you are going to have a mixed brew. The thing you want for your engines are the most volatile fractions, the liquids that boil off first like gasoline and benzene.

"It's what you got for me and I thank you for it." "You needn't," she came back at me spunky little thing. "It isn't worth thanking anybody for. It's only a partial fact." "And you think half truths are dangerous?" I smiled at her. "There isn't any such thing," she instructed me. "Even facts can hardly be split into fractions; while the truth is always whole and complete."

Roman historians and geographers speak of the Numidians and Mauretanians as though they were distinct peoples; but there can be little doubt that, then as to-day, they were but two fractions of the same great race, and that even the wild Gaetulians of the South are but representatives of the parent stock of this indigenous people.

Haven't I been three times through the Arithmetic and once through the Algebra that I may support myself and somebody else, sometime?" This seemed very grand to child Marjorie who found fractions a very Slough of Despond. "I'm going to the city as soon as Uncle Jack finds a place for me. I expect a letter from him every night." "Perhaps it will come to-night," said Marjorie, not very hopefully.

Modern dynamos range in power from little machines operating machinery requiring only fractions of a horsepower to great dynamos operating street-car lines and lighting cities; but all are built on the same principle as Faraday's rotating disk. By this discovery the use of electricity as a practical and economical motive power became possible.

Evidently, getting into that creek was bound to be a problem in fractions; and Gadabout was not good at fractions and the day was waning and the tide was setting out. It seemed that the way to get the best depth of water would be to go to the lower side of the wide, shallow creek-mouth, and then to enter the stream in that affectionate style of navigation called "hugging the shore."

I mean fellow is up to just now?" "I don't know, Willie." "He's inventin' a calc'latin' machine, as is to do anythin' from simple addition to fractions, an' he says if it works well he'll carry it on to algebra an' mathematics, up to the fizmal calc'lus, or somethin' o' that sort. Oh, you've no notion how he strains himself at it.

The student of arithmetic who has mastered the first four rules of his art, and successfully striven with money sums and fractions, finds himself confronted by an unbroken expanse of questions known as problems. These are short stories of adventure and industry with the end omitted, and though betraying a strong family resemblance, are not without a certain element of romance.

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