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Updated: August 27, 2024

130-263 From: Explorations Officer, Sector Nine To: Ecological Officer Subject: Incident Report Enclosed is the file on that recent occurrence on Planet 3-G3-9/4871, consisting of the certificates and statements of the various officers and guardsmen concerned, together with a digest of the interrogation of Elwar Forell, a young planetary native, who appears to have been the instigator.

I therefore called the cruiser, requesting evacuation for myself and for young Forell. Prior to evacuation, I demolished all my fixed equipment, so that the only things left for the villagers to find when they entered the station were damaged remains of those things normal for a recluse scholar of their era. Franz Jaeger Observer 2/c

He looked toward the communicator controls unhappily, then reached out and dialed a number. The sphere lit and an alert face looked at him inquiringly. "How is that Forell boy?" "Soaking up information like a sponge, sir." Kweiros nodded. "Gathered he might," he remarked. "Send him up here, will you? And have Jaeger come with him." "Yes, sir."

But like all those others, their greater enjoyment was in the company of one another. Forell glanced at the vacant chair across the table from him and sighed. It would be nice, he thought, if But any arrangement involving a permanent companion would be hardly practical under his circumstances. After all, prudence dictated limits.

If Elwar is a typical "son of a simple peasant," and if the planet from which he comes has any considerable number of "simple peasants" with sons like him, I can foresee some strangely interesting problems in connection with further dealings on that planet. FONZEC 1 enclosure Interrogation of Elwar Forell, native of Planet 3-G3-9/4871. "My Masters, I did mean no harm, but only good.

Suddenly, Andorra set the glass down and leaned forward, hands gripping his knees. "Tell me, Elwar," he begged, "this isn't a hoax, is it? Surely, no one could be so warped as to present a friend with something like this and then to laugh it off?" Forell drew a deep breath and examined his companion closely. At last, his left hand relaxed a little. "It's no hoax," he admitted.

Andorra opened the folder, taking out a few sheets of paper. He read for a moment, then looked up quizzically. "A little different from your usual style, isn't it?" Forell nodded, watching the man tensely. "I'm trying something new," he said. "Go ahead and read it, then tell me what you think." He busied himself with a bottle and glasses.

Danaeo Melran Eq Tech 3/c I, Franz Jaeger, am Resident Guardsman at Station Fourteen, Planet 3-G3-9/4871. I have been assigned to my station for eight planetary years for survey and observation duty. During the past five years, I have employed Elwar Forell, the son of a local peasant, to keep the living quarters clean and to do general work about the station.

From: Evaluations Officer To: Explorations Officer Subject: Interrogation Enclosed is a digest of the interrogation of one, Elwar Forell, who was evacuated from forty-eight seventy-one, in company with Guardsman Jaeger. This boy was abjectly terrified and had to be calmed several times during questioning.

Of course, you know I must have built up some sort of fantasy world to base my yarns on?" Andorra nodded. "That's obvious. I've been wondering about some of your basic theory. Like to see your notes some time." Forell spread his hands. "You're quite welcome to look them over," he said. "Come on up to my rooms now." He smiled.

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