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El sufragio femenino encierra un fondo de justicia, de reivindicación para la aptitud de la mujer moderna y debemos enseguida adoptarla sin necesidad de pasar por procesos innecesarios.

An immense audience greeted her on the opening night at the Fondo Theatre, August 6, 1832, at first with a cold and critical indifference a feeling, however, which quickly flamed into all the unrestrained volcanic ardor of the Neapolitan temperament.

One night they were at the Fondo, and after listening delightedly to Lalande, and following with quick glance, the rapid movements of the agile ballerina, and after George had been honoured by a bow which greatly amused Acme from the beautiful princess; who, poor girl! then felt a penchant for Englishmen, which she failed not to avow from her opera box the party agreed to walk home to the hotel.

The unbroken upper rim measures about half a mile in diameter, and the lower funnel 3,000 feet in circumference. A copious fountain, springing from the once fiery inside, is collected below for the use of the farm-house, El Fondo de la Caldera. The fields have the effect of a little Alpine tarn of bright green.

At Cape Beata, the southernmost cape of the Republic, the coast turns northwest, to the Pedernales River, which forms part of the boundary between Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Several small bays indent this portion of the shore, the one most favorable for shipping being Las Aguilas Bay, also known as Bahia sin Fondo, or Bottomless Bay.

Es además que dicha causa tiene en un fondo irresistible de verdad y justicia al cual no puede negarse ninguna inteligencia abierta y libre.

The only lakes of any size are two which lie in the Neiba Valley, the larger one, Lake Enriquillo, being comprised entirely within Dominican territory, while of the smaller one, variously called Etang Saumatre, or Lake Azuei, or Laguna del Fondo, through which the frontier line passes, less than one-fourth is under Dominican jurisdiction.

In passing, let it not be forgotten that it was somewhere or other in this 'chiaro fondo di Sorga, as Carlyle describes, that Jourdain, the hangman-hero of the Glacière, stuck fast upon his pony when flying from his foes, and had his accursed life, by some diabolical providence, spared for future butcheries.