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"You're flaxed ag'in, pardner!" he said, with a light laugh, as he raked in the stakes. "This takes your all, eh?" "Every darned bit!" said the "Cattymount" for it was he with an oath. "You've peeled me to ther hide, an' no mistake. Salivated me' way out o' time, sure's thar ar' modesty in a bar-girl's tongue!" The youth laughed. "You are not in luck to-night.

For wadding, we had brought with us some oakum, well `flaxed' out, and thus armed and equipped we were ready to do slaughter upon all birds and beasts that should chance to come in our way. We walked a good distance without seeing either one or the other, though we met with many signs and traces of both.

When the Spirit took him he roared so that he had the Hounds just flaxed out; you couldn't ketch a yelp from 'em." "Many Hounds?" Braile asked, in a sort of cold sympathy with the riotous outlaws known to the religious by that name. "Mought been 'fore I got there. But by that time I reckon they was most of 'em on the mourners' benches.

But all to onct Curly took to lookin' flaxed, an' the judge here overheard Scrabblegrab askin' Curly what he thort his mother'd say ef she knew he was makin' his money that way? The boy took on wuss an' wuss, an' now he's vamosed. Don't b'lieve me ef yer don't want ter, fellers here's the judge hisself."

It would have amused you to see the horizontality of the coat-tails of the management of the Lattimore & Great Western, as they flaxed round getting up a directors' meeting, so as to have a real, live directorate of this great transcontinental line for the wolves of Wall Street to do business with!

The glutinous paste with which its thighs were loaded enabled him to effect this the more easily. The wool, which was exceedingly light, was now `flaxed out, in order to make it show as much as possible, while, at the same time, it was so arranged as not to come in contact with the wings of the bee and hinder its flight.

Catherine's eyes sparkled at this observation, "And oh the sheets I lie in here," said he, "often my conscience pricketh me, and saith, 'Who art thou to lie in lint like web of snow? Dives was ne'er so flaxed as I. And to think that there are folk in the world that have all the beautiful things which I have here yet not content.