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Returning to the ship we placed a buoy* on the five-fathom bar at the eastern entrance of the South Channel, the bearings from which are Whale Head South 33 degrees West, and Arthur's Seat South 79 degrees East; Points Nepean and Lonsdale being a little open.

"For which this shall be your Order. Dated on board his Majesty's ship Bristol, in Five-fathom Hole, off Charlestown, the 11th day of July 1776. "To Mr. James Saumarez, hereby appointed to act as Lieutenant on board his Majesty's ship Bristol, until further orders. "By command of the Commodore.

No city nor haven did they see there, not even when they were far nigher to the land; nevertheless, whereas they hankered for the peace of the green earth after all the tossing and unrest of the sea, and whereas also they doubted not to find at the least good and fresh water, and belike other bait in the plain under the mountains, they still sailed on not unmerrily; so that by nightfall they cast anchor in five-fathom water hard by the shore.

And the end of it was that, at about nine o'clock, we anchored safely in the five-fathom roadstead, close to the eastern pier, as a short reconnaissance proved to us. It had been a little masterpiece of adroit seamanship. There was utter stillness till our chain rattled down, when a muffled shout came from the direction of the pier, and soon we heard a boat groping out to us.

About five o'clock in the afternoon of the 25th of June 1756, Capt. William Boys, from the quarter-deck of his ship the Royal Sovereign, then riding at anchor at the Nore, observed a snow on fire in the five-fathom channel, a little below the Spoil Buoy. He immediately sent his cutter to her assistance, but in spite of all efforts to save her she ran aground and burnt to the water's edge.

A few thousands of these sturdy fellows would put to flight an army of hen-hearted Hindús or Hindís. We left Cape Palmas at 5 P.M., and duly respected the five-fathom deep 'Athole Rock, so called from the frigate which first made its acquaintance. The third victim was the B. and A. s.s. The Juju-men naturally declared that their magic brought her to such notable grief.

And a near thing it was too, but we soon had everything snug; and although the gale continued without any intermission for ten days, at length we ran in and anchored with our prize in Five-Fathom Hole, off the entrance to St. George's Harbour.

Be on your guard." "Do we owe him anything?" asked Foma. "Of course! We haven't paid yet for the barge, and then fifty five-fathom beams were taken from him not long ago. If he wants everything at once don't give. A rouble is a sticky thing; the longer it turns about in your hand, the more copecks will stick to it.

"He is well paid who gets the bite he baits for," returned the other, turning his head, and exhibiting the cunning eye and chuckling countenance of old Bob Bunt, as Wilder's recent and treacherous confederate had announced his name to be. "How now! Dare you trust yourself with me, in five-fathom water, after the villanous trick you have seen fit"