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As they came to the Golden Ball, a lady quitting the shop was just about to get into her carriage; she stopped as she recognized them. It was Lady Firebrace. "Ah! Mr Berners, how d'ye do? You were just the person I wanted to see! How is Lady Augusta, Mr Egerton? You have no idea, Mr Berners, how I have been fighting your battles!"

Lord Marney rose from his seat and addressed Lady Firebrace, whose husband in another part of the room had caught Mr Jermyn, and was opening his mind on "the question of the day;" Lady Maud, followed by Egremont, approached Mr St Lys, and said, "Mr Egremont has a great feeling for Christian architecture, Mr St Lys, and wishes particularly to visit our church of which we are so proud."

"I suppose you wrote the leading article in the Standard which I have just read," said Egremont smiling. "It announces in large type the secret reasons of Mr Trenchard's vote." "It is a fact," said Lady Firebrace. "That Trenchard is going to Lansdowne House to-night; very likely. I have met him at Lansdowne House half-a-dozen times.

She rules that poor old goose, Lady Gramshawe, who feels that Lady Firebrace makes her life miserable, but is convinced that if she break with the torturer, she loses her only friend." "There goes a man who is as much altered as any fellow of our time." "Not in his looks; I was thinking the other night that he was better-looking than ever." "Oh! no; not in his looks; but in his life.

The trap-door would fall; and then, having repelled the Hun, they could return and examine the bag at their leisure. So much for the plot. Now for the action. It has always been my contention that Brigadier-General Herbert Firebrace rather brought it on himself.

Who is this?" Mr Mountchesney exclaimed, and then walked to the window that looking over the park showed at a distance the advance of a very showy equipage. Lady Joan looked up. "Come here, Joan, and tell me who this is," and Lady Joan was at his side in a moment. "It is the livery of the Bardolfs," said Lady Joan. "I always call them Firebrace; I cannot get out of it," said Mr Mountchesney.

Mrs Trafford prepared for the interview, and tried to look very composed as the doors opened, and her husband ushered in and presented to her Lord and Lady de Mowbray, their daughters, Lady Firebrace, Mr Jermyn, who still lingered at the castle, and Mr Alfred Mountchesney and Lord Milford, who were mere passing guests, on their way to Scotland, but reconnoitering the heiresses in their course.

He is very intimate with the family and lives in the same county." "But his wife," said Lady Firebrace; "that's the point: he never could get his wife there before." "He has none," said Egremont very quietly. "Then we may regain him," said Lady St Julians with energy. "You shall make a little dinner to Greenwich, Mr Egremont, and I will sit next to him." "Fortunate Trenchard!" said Egremont.

"She is quite your friend, and a very sensible woman too, Charles, and an ally not to be despised. Lady Joan has a very high opinion of her. There's the bell. Well, I shall tell Arabella that you mean to put up the steam, and Lady Firebrace shall keep Jermyn off. And perhaps it is as well you did not seem too eager at first.

Tadpole flattered by her notice, and charmed with female society that talked his own slang, and entered with affected enthusiasm into all his dirty plots and barren machinations, was vigilant in his communications; while her whig cavalier, an easy individual who always made love by talking or writing politics, abandoned himself without reserve, and instructed Lady Firebrace regularly after every council.