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There's some fellow named Yingling there, who says that all their storm troops are over in North Jersey, on some kind of a false-alarm riot-call, and can't be contacted." "So?" Cardon commented gently. "That's too bad, now." Too bad for Horace Yingling and Joe West; this time tomorrow, they'll be a pair of dead traitors, he thought. "Well, we'll have to make do with what we have.

"Three service stripes and one wound stripe," he murmured. "And you're not crippled, boy dear?" "Do I fight like one? Hector, man, those punches of yours would have destroyed a battalion of cripples. Oh, you old false-alarm! Honestly, Dad, you're the most awful dub imaginable. And trying to bribe me into permitting you to escape what the deuce have you been monkeying with?

We had a conference after the dress-rehearsal, and our friend Mr Goble told him in no uncertain words in the whole course of my experience I have never heard words less uncertain that his damned rotten high-brow false-alarm of a show I am quoting Mr Goble would have to be rewritten by alien hands. And these are them! On the right, alien right hand. On the left, alien left hand.

It seems almost providential that we had this false-alarm call with Spain to show the people how utterly helpless they are. love, TAMPA, June 9th, 1898. Well, here we are again. Talk of the "Retreat from Ottawa" I've retreated more in this war than the Greeks did. If they don't brace up soon, I'll go North and refuse to "recognize" the war. I feel I deserve a pension and a medal as it is.

Arlie found she could manage a little laugh by this time. "Well, if you ain't going to, we might as well go in and have a look at that false-alarm patient of ours," he continued. "We'll have to sit up all night with him. I was sixty-three yesterday. I'm going to quit this doctor game. I'm too old to go racing round the country nights just because you young folks enjoy shooting each other up.