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In a menagerie attached to an academy, in which youths of maturer years were instructed in the fine arts, the travellers had an opportunity of observing the vain attempts of education, to control the natural or instinctive propensities. "Naturam expellas furca tamen usque recurret." "For nature driven out, with proud disdain, All powerful goddess, will return again."

And the one thing which saves Epicureanism from utter extinction as a theory, is invariably the idealism which like a 'purple patch' adorns it here and there. No man and no theory is wholly self-centred. Naturam expellas furca, tamen usque recurret,

Long he had not been there ere his unruly nature, not to be long kept under by the curb of a feigned society, broke forth into open profaneness; so true is that of the poet, Naturam expellas furca licet, usque recurret.

It may be expected of me that I should say something to justify myself with the world for a seeming inconsistency with my well-known principles in allowing my youngest son to raise a company for the war, a fact known to all through the medium of the publick prints. I did reason with the young man, but expellas naturam furcâ, tamenusque recurrit.

'If they occasionally use the knife a little naturam expellas furca, Mr. Logan, but the knife is a different thing it is only in a homely war among themselves that they handle it in the East-end of London. 'Coelum non animum, said Logan, determined not to be outdone in classical felicities; and, indeed, he thought his own quotation the more appropriate.

"Naturam expellas furca tamen usque recurrit." In 1647 a Commission, as it would now be called, was appointed by Parliament to conduct the visitation of the University.

Be it known then that the great Alma Mater, Nature, is of all other females the most obstinate, and tenacious of her purpose. So true is that observation, Naturam expellas furca licet, usque recurret. Which I need not render in English, it being to be found in a book which most fine gentlemen are forced to read.

Happily the old saying, Naturam expellas furca, tamen usque recurret, still holds true, and the reaction that has been gaining force for some time will doubtless ere long brush aside the cobwebs with which those who have a vested interest in Mr. Darwin's reputation as a philosopher still try to fog our outlook. Professor Mivart was, as I have said, among the first to awaken us to Mr.

The man of letters is not at once and completely superseded. But as Horace says, Naturam expellas furca, tamen usque recurret.

Lydia Languish, though she was constrained by fear of her aunt to hide the book, yet had Peregrine Pickle in her collection. While human nature talks of love so forcibly it can hardly serve our turn to be silent on the subject. "Naturam expellas furca, tamen usque recurret."