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The same general plan which is ordinarily employed in correcting luxation is indicated here, but because of the heavy musculature of the hip, complete anesthesia is imperative in all such manipulations. Gluteal Tendo-Synovitis. Etiology and Occurrence.

This is no complete presentation of my subject, but a selection of facts bearing on the etiology, to serve as a foundation for the discussion of those practical aspects of glaucoma which are to claim your attention through the papers and remarks of subsequent speakers. Dr. Edward Jackson's Paper on Etiology and Classification of Glaucoma Discussion, Chicago.

As the etiology of this troublesome disease is yet enveloped in obscurity, we may fairly conclude, by the success of my treatment, if it should meet with the confirmation of the profession, that the much pretended sensitive area, situated, according to Dr. Sajous, "at the posterior end of the inferior turbinated bones and the corresponding portion of the septum," or, according to Dr.

But in stupor the deficit in understanding, incapacity to solve simple problems and failure of memory seem deep-rooted and fundamental symptoms. So far is this true that Bleuler looks onschizophreniccases with this symptom ofBenommenheitas organic in etiology. It may be said at the outset that we do not share this view for many reasons.

In cases when slight and persistent lameness interferes sufficiently to prevent using an animal at any sort of work on hard roads, median neurectomy will relieve all lameness in most instances. This is a safe operation, moreover, in that no bad after effects are to be feared, even though lameness were to continue. Calk Wounds. Etiology and Occurrence.

The most common form of capillary angioma is the nævus or congenital telangiectasis. #Nævus.# A nævus is a collection of dilated capillaries, the afferent arterioles and the efferent venules of which often share in the dilatation. Little is known regarding the etiology of nævi beyond the fact that they are of congenital origin.

The disease is characterized by a slowly progressive necrosis and by a destruction of more or less of the cartilage and by the presence of fistulous tracts. Etiology and Occurrence. The disease is due to the introduction of pus producing organisms into the subcoronary region of the foot under conditions which favor the retention of such contagium and extension of infection into contiguous tissues.

In females where the body of the ischium is fractured, lacerations of the vagina may be present, and this constitutes a serious complication which usually terminates fatally. After-care in fracture of the pelvic girdle consists principally in allowing a protracted period of rest before subjects are put to work. Fractures of the Femur. Etiology and Occurrence.

Muscular and tendinous contraction, together with the natural tendency for the beveled contacting parts of the broken bone to pass one another in oblique fracture, results in shortening of the leg and, if union results, a large callus usually forms. Where shortening of bones occur, necessarily, permanent lameness follows. Wounds of the Anterior Brachial Region. Etiology and Occurrence.

This was the status of the question of yellow fever etiology when Dr. Reed and his associates commenced their investigations in Cuba during the summer of 1900. Two of these were members of the board, viz., Dr. Jesse W. Lazear and Dr. James Carroll, who voluntarily submitted themselves to the experiment. Dr. Carroll suffered a severe attack of the disease and recovered, but Dr.