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With the possibility of banishment to an ergastulum perpetually before his eyes, he defines a prison as being any situation in which a man is placed against his will; to Socrates for instance the prison was no prison, for he was there willingly, and no man need be in prison, against his will if he has learnt, as one of his primary duties, a cheerful acquiescence in the inevitable.

Cappadox flew to eject her, but Chloë's quick tongue did its work. "A lad who calls himself Agias is chained in the ergastulum. He says some gladiators are going to attack the house, and will be here in a moment! Oh, I am so frightened!" and the poor girl threw her mantle over her head, and began to whimper and sob. "Agias!" shouted Drusus, at the top of his voice. "In the ergastulum?

Yet, after this riotous performance, we did no damage at Ariminum, not even entering the town, not even enquiring if it had an ergastulum, as it must have had.

Unlike the ergastulum at Placentia the watch at the ergastulum at Nuceria was very lax and haphazard. It was effective at keeping us in; there were but three escapes all winter. But communication with the outside world was fairly easy and was kept up unceasingly. Many of the inmates had friends among the slaves of Nuceria.

Mamercus, who felt within himself that he, by his oversight, had been the chief blunderer, to vent his vexation smote Falto so sound a cuff that the under villicus sprawled his full length. "Go to the ergastulum and fetch Agias this instant," cried Drusus, in thundering accents, to the trembling Mago, who had appeared on the scene.

Then, at full run, stark naked, our unsheathed sheath-knives in our hands, we raced through the fog, now glimmering with the first forehint of coming dawn, along the inner edge of the veterans' tents, till we were opposite the quarters of the tumultuary century formed from the outpourings of the ergastulum, at Nuceria. Into one of the veterans' tents we went. "Knife in teeth!" said Agathemer.

The choosing was interrupted by a Ravenna Gaul, who called the attention of the assembly to the fact that Agathemer had been cook to the ergastulum and I his helper; similarly to the baker and his assistant.

We read in one place of his being shut up in theatrium,” that is, the vestibule, “of the prison, which was in the house of the king.” At another time he is in theergastulum,” which would seem to be the inner prison. Lastly his enemies let him down by ropes into the lacus or pit, in whichthere was no water, but mud.”

He would set to work to try to arrange for it. Meantime, could I not ask some reward within their power to grant? I at once replied that I desired above all things never to be returned to that ergastulum.

The villicus had been once the mere intendant of the estate on which his master lived; he was now sole manager of a vast domain for his absent lord, sole keeper of the great ergastulum which enclosed at nightfall the instruments of labour and disgorged them at daybreak over the fields.