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"Whose slaves are these? Mine?" "They are your lordship's," said the foremost overseer, who had just recognized his newly come employer. "Why are they in chains?" asked Drusus. "Mamercus found them refractory," replied the guard, "and ordered them to be kept in the underground prison, and to work in the chain gang." Ergastulum. The young man made a motion of disgust.

Banishment, death, the ergastulum, torture and, what is much worse, the insults the brute heaps on any one he turns against I am too wise to give that " he spat on the flag-stones "for the friendship of Commodus. And Commodus is Rome; you can't persuade me he isn't. Rome turns on its favorites as he does scorns them, insults them, throws them on dung-heaps. That for Rome!" He spat again.

He added that he and the other aldermen had never meant to recommit me; deliverance from that ergastulum. they considered part of my reward and that the least part of it. What else did I desire?

After their corpses had been removed, the floor swabbed up and the murderers turned over to the gloating Scythians to be done to death by impalement, Scythian fashion, with all the tortures Scythian ferocity could devise, the manager went from cellar to cellar, all through the ergastulum, enquiring if any prisoner could cook.

"And I too!" exclaimed the Greek, leaping up; he strode to and fro, his eyes sparkling, and a strange smile wrinkled his jackal face. "We will make a fresh start; do not leave me again! I am not made for battles in the sunlight the flashing of swords troubles my sight; it is a disease, I lived too long in the ergastulum.

The full-grown man in the mean time is well pleased when he escapes from the ergastulum where he had previously dwelt, and in which he had experienced corporal infliction and corporal restraint. At first, in the newness of his freedom, he breaks out into idle sallies and escapes, and is like the full-fed steed that manifests his wantonness in a thousand antics and ruades.

"A gladiator's life is not so bad if he behaves himself, and while it lasts," Narcissus said. He was sitting beside Sextus, son of Maximus, in the ergastulum beneath the training school of Bruttius Marius, which was well known to be the emperor's establishment, although maintained in the name of a citizen.

He had so operated on Mark Wylder; and so sought to coerce his sister Rachel. He had hopes, too, of ultimately catching the good attorney napping, and leading him too, bound and docile, into his ergastulum, although he was himself just now in jeopardy from that quarter. James Dutton, too.

Would you consider it a reward, would you consider it the fulfillment of your wish to be transferred from our town ergastulum, where you were as an Imperial slave rented out to our city, to such an Imperial estate, where you will be directly under the employees of the fiscus?" "I certainly should feel rewarded," I said, "by such a transfer."

Here and there mounds of the rosy micaceous schist, still unworked, looked as if it had been washed out by the showers of ages. The general appearance is that of an ergastulum like Umm Amil: here perhaps the ore was crushed and smelted, when not rich enough to be sent down the Wady for water-working at the place where the inland fort now is.