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"These two unfortunate children, it seems, had made a raft in a playful mude, an embarkin on it they had been amoosin theirselves with paddlin about by pushin it with poles. At length they came to a pint where poles were useless; the tide got holt of the raft, an the ferrail structoor was speedily swept onward by the foorus current. Very well.

'Also, you oughter be less reckless an' get the address of your victims before embarkin' on them skelp-collectin' enterprises of yours. That gent you goes ag'inst is Doc Holliday; as hard a game as lurks anywhere between the Slope an' the Big Muddy. "Does the Stranglers do anything to this Holliday?

Such wuz some of the deep arguments they brung up aginst my embarkin' on this enterprise, they talked about it sights and sights; why, it lasted the neighbors for a stiddy conversation, till along about the middle of the winter. Then the Minister's wife bought a new alpacky dress unbeknown to the church till it wuz made up and that kind o' drawed their minds off o' me for a spell.

But as he went out after it, I murmured sternly to myself, "Oh! wus there ever a forerunner more needed run?" and my soul answered, "Never! never!" So with sithes that could hardly be sithed, so big and hefty wuz they, I commenced to make preparations for embarkin' on my tower. And no martyr that ever sot down on a hot gridiron wus animated by a more warm and martyrous feelin' of self-sacrifice.

If they partake of a pleasure and recreation that is doubtful in its effects, they will always say, what a high extreme of enjoyment they enjoyed a partakin' of it. Curius, haint it? Wall, Josiah had been anticipatin' so much enjoyment from the exercise, that I didn't make no move to prevent him from embarkin' on it though it looked hazardous and dangerous in the extreme.

And it wuz thrillin' in the extreme though I stood it better than he did. The first thing you see is a submarine boat, you can see this plain from the Pike and the passengers embarkin' on it, two hundred and fifty can be carried by this boat at one time, and Josiah led us onto it with a excited linement, but he tried to look brave and fearless.

He never said one word to me about embarkin' too, which I laid to two reasons. One wuz my immovable determination not to embark on the voyage, which I had confided to him before. And the other wuz, the added expenses of the journey if he took his companion with him. No, I felt that he thought it wuz better we should part temporarily than that the expenditure should be doubled.