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For example to cite a much disputed instance is it plausible that Nora, in A Doll's House, should suddenly develop the mastery of dialectics with which she crushes Helmer in the final scene, and should desert her husband and children, slamming the door behind her? It need scarcely be said that plausibility on the third plane is vastly the most important.

"A soldier's singular and essential duty is to do the task set him with such art and accomplishment as he can in approach, siege, trench, or stronghold." "Ay, ay! here we are into our dialectics again," said his lordship, laughing, with no particular surrender in his merriment.

"Of your history, sir, I am entirely ignorant; and even if I were not, I should not presume to levy a tax upon it in discussions with you; for, however vulnerable you may possibly be, I regard an argumentum ad hominem as the weakest weapon in the armory of dialectics a weapon too often dipped in the venom of personal malevolence.

From these moods innumerable conclusions are derived, in which nearly the whole science of dialectics consists. But even those which I have now explained are not necessary for this present discussion. XV. The next topic is drawn from efficient circumstances which are called causes; and the next from the results produced by these efficient causes.

Hopkins, the conscientious minister come upon a time when the social prestige of the clergy is waning, and whose independence will test the voluntary system of ministerial support; Simeon Brown, the man of theological dialectics, in whom the utmost perfection of creed is shown to be not inconsistent with the most contradictory imperfection of life, all these are characters new to literature.

For three weeks I had had perhaps four hours' sleep a-night, and I had been worked down to my last reserve of energy, keeping in hand just enough to meet all the probable contingencies of to-morrow's election. Dialectics with Cash as to the market value of a little girl's illness had not been included in the estimate. I groaned. Champion answered for me.

I do not believe there is any examination she could not have passed either at a public school or a university. Born without shyness or trepidation, from her youth upwards she had perfect self-possession and patience. She loved dialectics and could put her case logically, plausibly and eloquently; and, although quite as unemotional as her brothers, she had more enterprise and indignation.

His dealings with scribe and Pharisee furnish some of the world's best examples of acute and courageous dialectics. His theological method differed markedly from the academicians of His day. Nevertheless it was noted that He spoke with an extraordinary authority. "He gave," as Dr.

"I do not know what you mean," she answered with a weary sigh. Again he smiled: it was a soft, sleepy, soothing kind of smile, that was almost an opiate. "You are not good at metaphysics?" he said, coming still nearer and passing his short thick hands over her head carressingly. "I am not good at anything," she answered dreamily. "Yes, at many things to answer me for one but bad at dialectics."

He was preeminently a great thinker a great logician skilled in dialectics, and his "Dialogues" are such exercises of dialectical method that the ancients were divided whether he was a skeptic or a dogmatist. He adopted the Socratic method, and enlarged it. "Socrates relied on inductive reasoning, and on definitions, as the two principles of investigation.