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It was a matter of record that the colonel, though less financially able, was a better judge of horses than his friend and rival, the major, and at the various county meets it was Major Calvert who always ran second to Colonel Desha's first. The colonel's faith in Rogue had been vindicated at the last Carter Handicap, and his owner was now stimulating his ambition for higher flights.

At this meeting, not only professed Christians were greatly revived, but not less than a hundred persons, it was thought, became disciples of the Savior. Another camp-meeting was soon after appointed to meet on Desha's Creek, a small stream flowing into the Cumberland river. The country was now becoming more populous, and several thousand were assembled.

Garrison glanced up quickly, and met Sue Desha's unwavering stare. "Why, I believe I did hear that she was poisoned, or something to that effect, now that you mention it." His eyes were still vacant. "You look as if you had seen a ghost," laughed Sue, her eyes on the magnolia-tree. He laughed somewhat nervously. "I I've been thinking."

Colonel Desha's enforced absence overcame the one difficulty Major Calvert and Jimmie Drake had acknowledged might prematurely explode their hidden identity mine. The colonel, exercising his owner's prerogative, would have fussed about The Rogue until the last minute. Of course he would have interviewed Garrison, giving him riding instructions, etc.

But the golden flood of money he commanded could not wash out certain gutter marks in his speech, person, and manner. That such an inmate should eat above the salt in Colonel Desha's home was a painful acknowledgment of the weight of necessity. What the necessity was, Sue sensed but vaguely. It was there, nevertheless, almost amounting to an obsession.

Your identity, if possible is not to be made known to the colonel and his daughter until the finish of the Carter. Understand?" "No," said Garrison flatly. "Why?" "Because, kid, you're not going to ride Speedaway. You're not going to ride for my stable. You're going to ride Colonel Desha's Rogue ride as you never rode before. Ride and win. That's why." Garrison only stared as Drake ran on.