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Well, far better than my feeble pencilling can picture, will they fill up this slight sketch. That walk to Oxton, that visit to the village school, was full of generous affections unrepressed, the out-pourings of two deep-welled hearts, flowing forth in sympathetic ecstasy.

Out in the open he would be too good a target for whatever or whoever might be standing within the deep-welled frames. The silence was shattered by a boom. Travis jumped, slewed half around, knife in hand. Boom-boom ... a second heavy beat-beat ... then a clangor with a swelling echo. Kaydessa flung back her head and called, her voice rising up as if tunneled by the valley walls.

Could I have stood before her and, reading but half consent in the deep-welled eyes, have clipt her in my arms and laid my lips to hers, I would have run to pay the price, in earth or heaven or hell, I thought, deeming the fierce joy of it well worth any penalty. At this I should have stirred, I suppose, for she came quickly and stood beside me.

The Honorable Senator Sage-Brush had been out of sight and hearing for five full minutes when Evan Blount reached over and possessed himself of the hand that was shading a pair of deep-welled eyes from the firelight. "Last Sunday afternoon, Patricia, when I had right and reason and logic on my side, your woman's intuition found the truer path," he said, in sober humility.

"Make your way to the clock landing of the stair; I must have speech with you," it said; and for a wonder I was cool enough to obey with no more than a sidelong glance at my lady passing on the arm of another epauletted dangler. She was before me at the meeting place, and there was no laughing welcome in the deep-welled eyes. Instead, they flashed me a look that made me wince.

"'Tis not a pleasing thing, I grant you, Margery; notwithstanding, of our two evils it is by far the less. Bethink you a moment: 'tis but the saying of a few words by the priest, and the bearing of my name for some short while till you can change it for a better." Her deep-welled eyes met mine, and in them was a flash of anger. "Is that what marriage means to you, Captain Ireton?" "No, truly.

Well, far better than my feeble pencilling can picture, will they fill up this slight sketch. That walk to Oxton, that visit to the village school, was full of generous affections unrepressed, the out-pourings of two deep-welled hearts, flowing forth in sympathetic ecstasy.

"I know I am only one, and your poor people to whom you have been planning to give yourself are many; still, I am selfish enough to " She looked up quickly and the deep-welled eyes were shining. "We can't learn everything all at once, Evan, dear," she interrupted, breaking in upon his pleading.