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Indeed, Horton Kirby and Darenth, being next-door neighbours, have most features in common; the falling tower, which symbolizes the Day of Judgment, appearing in both, while it is absent from the more distant examples at Cliffe and Newhaven.

"Do I understand I assume I am admitted to confidence do I understand that the letter states that these two women were drowned?" "Crossing from Antwerp. Yes!" "Then the letter is a falsehood, probably written with a bad motive." "But by their father their father! Impossible!" "How does your ladyship know it was written by their father?" "It is signed by their father at Darenth Mill in Essex.

It was the same ink as the English directions, and, on close examination, the same hand. This had not been clear at first, as the word was mixed with the English postmark, "Darenth Mill" so much so as not to clash with the pale hand of the forgery. "That word," said Thothmes, "was never written in Van Diemen's Land. The English stamp is on the top of it."

To turn her mind from the recollection that provoked it, Granny Marrable thought it well to say that Nicholas Cropredy, her first husband, whom the forged letter had drowned at sea, had not been buried at Darenth Mill, but at Ingatestone, with his kindred and ancestors. "Did they find his body?" said old Maisie.

And then there is the church too, dedicated in honour of St Margaret, the dear little lady who is so wonderfully and beautifully represented in Westminster Abbey for all to worship her, high up over the rascal politicians. All the village churches in England of my heart are entrancingly holy and human places, but it is not always that one finds a church so rare as that of St Margaret in Darenth.

How came her grandfather to be the owner of Darenth Mill, indeed! Well! she could get Dr. Nash round at half an hour's notice; that was one consolation. Meanwhile, could she seriously answer such an inquiry? Indeed she scarcely recognised that it was an inquiry. It was a symptom. She spoke to the old head on the pillow, with eyes closed now.

My father was an Essex man. Darenth, his place was called." Aunt M'riar repeated the name wrongly: "Durrant?" She ought to have asked something concerning his status and employment. Who knows but Mrs. Prichard might have talked of that mill and supplied a clue to speculation? not Aunt M'riar's; speculation was not her line.

P. she told you her father lived at Darenth in Essex?" "No, Mo, that's not the name. Durrant was the name she said." Aunt M'riar was straining at a gnat. However, solemn bigwigs have done that before now. "Nigh enough for most folks," said Uncle Mo. "Just you think a bit and see what she said her father's name was." "She never said his name, Mo.

The introduction of the omniscient eye in the Cliffe case is, however, a stroke of genius compared with the conventional palm branches at Horton Kirby, or the flight through mid-air of the tower-tops both at Horton Kirby and at Darenth. "To John Millen, died June 11th, 1786, aged 82 years."

But when we was sitting together in the firelight after supper, she had it come on again, and I fear by my own fault, for Dr. Nash says I was in the wrong to say a word to her of any bygones. And yet it was but to clear her mind of the mixing together of Darenth Mill and this mill she remembers.