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This naively appears in the descriptions of war, in which the seastorms that destroy armies, and the hosts of elephants that trample down those who are on their own side pictures, that is, from the Punic wars appear as if they belong to the immediate present. Comp. ii. 41; v. 1226, 1303, 1339. V. VIII. Literature of the Opposition

This latter contingency has often been observed in Scotland with female red-deer, as I am informed by Sir Philip Egerton and others. Mr. Exactly the same thing occurs with seals; see Mr. It is scarcely possible that much should be known about female quadrupeds in a state of nature making any choice in their marriage unions. Mr. J.A. Allen in 'Bull. Mus. Comp.

But there was at any rate an epoch when the dominion of Rome over Italy demanded a certain knowledge of the language of the country on the part of Romans of rank. The employment of the lyre in ritual is attested by Cicero de Orat. iii. 51, 197; Tusc. iv. 2, 4; Dionysius, vii. 72; Appian, Pun. 66; and the inscription in Orelli, 2448, comp. 1803. Macrob. Tusc. i. 2, 3; iv. 2, 3; Varro ap. Serv.

He answered the most difficult objections with confidence; the charm of his speech and his person captivated the people, whose simple minds had not yet been cramped by the pedantry of the doctors. Comp. The authority of the young master thus continued increasing every day, and, naturally, the more people believed in him, the more he believed in himself. His sphere of action was very limited.

Yet among their marriage ceremonies, is one called "marrying by the penny." The similarity in the methods of procuring wives and servants, in the terms employed in describing the transactions, and in the prices paid for each, are worthy of notice. Comp. Deut, xxii. 28, 29, and Ex. xxii. 17, with Lev. xxvii. 2-8. The medium price of wives and servants was the same. Comp.

His guests shall be the first comers; the people collected from the highways and byways, the poor, the beggars, and the lame; it matters not who, the room must be filled. "For I say unto you," said he, "that none of those men which were bidden shall taste of my supper." Comp. "Woe unto you that are rich," said he, "for ye have received your consolation.

It took him almost a half-hour to complete it, and he spoiled several sheets in the process, but it was finally done, and, heading it "Daley Schedule," with a brief smile at the pun, he placed it on his chiffonier and hurried across to Wendell. "What do you know about that?" demanded Tom the next day. "'Horace' gave me a B on my comp! Of course, I'm not kicking, but I'll bet he made a mistake.

The letters are clearly derived, not from him, but from some Hellenistic-Jewish apologist, and the passages from Polybius, it is very probable, are extracted from some larger work. Here, as elsewhere, both facts and authorities were found in Nicholas of Damascus. For the genuineness of the Letter, comp.

He is his Father, his Father is he. He lives in his disciples; he is everywhere with them; his disciples are one, as he and his Father are one. The idea to him is everything; the body, which makes the distinction of persons, is nothing. Comp.

I. VI. Class of Metoeci Subsisting by the Side of the Community I. XI. Guardianship By a similar adjustment the Icelandic law makes twelve rams equivalent to a cow; only in this as in other instances the Germanic law has substituted the duodecimal for the older decimal system. I. XIV. Decimal System 19. comp. I. XIII. Culture of the Olive