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So chummy we are oh, as chummy as in the old days when we measured eyelashes and she laughed at my 'chowchow' name!" The speaker here shot the bluest of glances through those twinkling lashes at their reflection in a neighboring teapot, older than Columbia herself. "Chowchow, indeed! It just suits you, that compound.

But it was a moment when the spice of her chowchow name had all spilled over; when the Vain Elf which, according to her father, slept in the shadow of the Wise Woman, was broadly mutinously awake. The boat had drawn in alongside the decked float now.

Mingled spice was in the furtive glance which Toandoah's little pal, his maiden of the chowchow name, threw across the narrow train-aisle at the delicate young profile opposite, outlined against a crusted window. "And she still has that funny little near-sighted stand in one of her dark eyes, too Una! Although they're pretty eyes I'll admit that!" mused the critic further.

"I I used to wish I was all boy until I became a Camp Fire Girl; that bettered the betty element a little," she confided, the spice of her mixed cognomen floating in her eye. It was a joke with her, that chowchow name original mixture and how she came by it.

And they ran, too, its rightful owners, in full cry, calling frantically upon the robber, whether thief, or tempest, to stop. And the girls kept bravely up with the men. Or one of them did! For all the spice of her chowchow name was afire in Pemrose Lorry now; and she would have tackled the thief, single-handed, to get back her father's record.

But Chinamen to Trotty were fearsome bogies, corresponding to the swart-faced, white-eyed chimney-sweeps of the English nursery. She hid behind her aunt, holding fast to the latter's skirts, and only stealing an occasional peep from one saucer-like blue eye. "Thank you, John. Me takee chowchow for lilly missee," said Polly, who had experience in disposing of such savoury morsels.

You've plugged like a boy at your elementary physics in high school, so's to be able to understand and sympathize you've lived up to the name I gave you " "My chowchow name!" interjected the girl, winking slily. "Well! it is a mixture." Her father echoed her chuckle. "But I guess you've been son and daughter both, you good little pal you sprite of the lab." "Oh! Toandoah oh!

There are others, of course the Red Lion at Henley; the old Warboys hostelry at Cookham; the Angler at Marlowe; the French Horn across the black water and within rifle-shot of the White Hart a most pretentious place, designed for millionnaires and spendthrifts, where even chops and tomato-sauce, English pickles, chowchow and the like, ales in the wood and other like commodities and comforts, are dispensed at prices that compel all impecunious, staid painters like myself to content themselves with a sandwich and a pint of bitter and a hundred other inns along the river, good, bad, and indifferent.

"Goodness! after all, he wasn't so much more foolish headstrong than I was. But Una! Una! If you ever-r tell them!" Thus did the maiden of the chowchow name spill her spice into her friend's ear, burning spice, for, privately, she was shocked at seeing her own folly, parodied, vulgarized, as it were. "Well! I should say!