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Updated: August 19, 2024

It shows itself by the gradual breaking-up of the blank-verse in the later plays, by the predominance given to prose, and by the over-importance assigned to characterisation.

I have always remembered a certain admirable characterisation of Doctor Johnson, in the account of the writer's visit to Lichfield and I will preface it by a paragraph almost as good, commemorating the charms of the hotel in that interesting town.

The story of this agitation, its initiation, its conduct, and its final success will, I am sure, be of interest to all who feel any concern for the welfare of Ireland. I have accepted the common characterisation of the Irish as a leader-following people.

Midshipman Easy" is frankly farcical; it shows its author not only as a graphic writer, but as one gifted with an abundance of whimsical humour and a keen sense of characterisation. Opinions may differ as to the actual merits of "Mr. Midshipman Easy," but it has more than served its author's purpose it has held the public for over seventy years. Captain Marryat died on August 9, 1848. I. Mr.

Is not that a good characterisation? Good-bye for the moment, as I must see about Benella's luncheon. Yours affectionately S.P. 'The spreading Lee that, like an Island fayre, Encloseth Corke with his divided floode. Edmund Spenser.

The Dutch and the Scandinavian countries answer more doubtfully to the same characterisation. The movement in question is known to history as the Liberal, Rationalistic, Humanitarian, or Individualistic departure.

But the patient industry of the French school of historical scholars, at the end of the seventeenth and the beginning of the eighteenth century, founded this new tradition; the magnificent genius of Gibbon showed how the observance of it might not be incompatible with history-writing of the most literary kind; the national and natural tendency of German study adopted it; and shortly after Gibbon's own day the school of historians, which is nothing if not documentary, began gradually to oust that of which the picturesque, if not strictly historical, legend about the Abbé Vertot and his "Mon siège est fait" is the anecdotic locus classicus of characterisation.

"For himself, he was aware," says his biographer, "that he wanted intimate knowledge of the mechanical details necessary for the modern stage, although in early and middle life he had been a constant playgoer, and would keenly follow the action of a play, criticising the characterisation, incidents, scenic effects, situations, language, and dramatic points."

The eighteenth century contented itself with general epithets; and when Jean-Jacques has said that Chenonceaux was a "beau lieu," he thinks himself absolved from further characterisation.

The woman Marianna is a sister of Elena, whom we learned to know in "On the Eve;" she has the purity, not of an angel, but of a noble woman. She has that quiet, steadfast resolution so characteristic of Russian heroines. As for Mariusha, she is a specimen of Turgenev's extraordinary power of characterisation.

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