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Updated: August 27, 2024

Surely he will not have to worry himself about the mandarin Yen Lou, shut up in this traveling catafalque! Fulk Ephrinell and Miss Horatia Bluett? Useless to think of them when we are talking about palaces, minarets, mosques and other archaeological inutilities. The actor and the actress? Impossible, for Madame Caterna is tired, and Monsieur Caterna will consider it his duty to stay with her.

I thought the train had been thrown off the line by the commotion of the air. I left the young Roumanian and regained my place within the car. In the morning 26th of May, 7 A.M. we arrived at Lan-Tcheou. Three hours to stop, three hours only. "Come, Major Noltitz, come, Pan-Chao, come, Caterna, we have not a minute to spare."

"If they have," said Caterna, laughing, "the reverend gentleman can marry me and my wife over again. We are in wedding garments, and it is a pity to have had all this fuss for nothing, isn't it, Caroline?" "Yes, Adolphe " But this pleasing second edition of the wedding of the Caternas did not come off. Here is Mr.

And then what a repertory!" "My compliments, my dear compatriot!" "I accept them, Monsieur Claudius, for I like my trade. What would you haye? All the world cannot expect to be a senator or a special correspondent." "There, that is wicked, Monsieur Caterna," said I, with a laugh. "No; it is the last word."

This impression took a still more religious tone when, by a dark and narrow stairway, we descended to the crypt in which are the tombs of Tamerlane's wives and daughters. "But who was this Tamerlane?" asked Caterna. "This Tamerlane everybody is talking about."

And as I leave I hear the chorus of an operetta in the deep voice of Monsieur Caterna. In the third car, occupied by many Turkomans and three or four Russians, I perceive Major Noltitz. He is talking with one of his countrymen. I will willingly join in their conversation if they make me any advances, but I had better maintain a certain reserve; the journey has only begun.

Twice he had got his hand on his hat, and twice it had escaped him, and now suddenly he fell full length with his head lost under the folds of his overcoat; whereupon Caterna began to sing the celebrated air from "Miss Helyett": "Ah! the superb point of view ew ew ew! Ah! the view unexpected by you you you you!"

A few revolver shots were discharged, without much necessity perhaps, but they amused as well as reassured the travelers. In the afternoon we were witnesses of a magnificent shot, which killed instantly an enormous panther just as he was landing on the side step of the third carriage. "It is thine, Marguerite!" exclaimed Caterna.

She was in every way worthy of her husband, sent into the world to reply to him in life as on the stage, one of those genial theater folks, born one knows not where or how, but thoroughly genuine and good-natured. "I beg to introduce you to Caroline Caterna," said the actor, in much the same tone as he would have introduced me to Patti or Sarah Bernhardt.

It will all be done some day, all and that will justify the vein: "Omnia jam fieri quae posse negabam." My sample of Latin erudition was only understood by Major Noltitz, and I heard Caterna say to his wife: "That is volapuk." "There is no doubt," said Pan Chap, "that the Emperor of China has been well advised in giving his hand to the Russians instead of the English.

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