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Jameson, whereas it appears that only 480 ever left the Protectorate. The following is a portion of the Majority Report of the Select Committee on the Jameson Raid appointed by the Cape House of Assembly: On the 26th December there was a sudden check. On the afternoon of that day Colonel Rhodes telegraphs to Charter, Capetown, 'It is absolutely necessary to postpone flotation.

When I asked how long it would take, he said, 'Allah is groot', which meant, I found, that it depended on the state of the beach the only road for half the way. The sun, moon, and stars are different beings from those we look upon. Not only are they so large and bright, but you SEE that the moon and stars are BALLS, and that the sky is endless beyond them. Capetown is very picturesque.

"I think I know the reason of his favouring us," said Considine, with a look of hope. "Indeed?" "Yes; he once journeyed with me from Capetown to the karroo, and probably he feels a touch of regard for his old travelling companion." "H'm! I wouldn't give much for his regard," growled Van Dyk. "The reed is slender, but it's the only one we have to lean on now.

These Kafir chiefs were afterwards feasted and feted by the governor and gentry of Capetown, but I have my doubts whether they will ever forget or forgive the treatment received on that occasion in Algoa Bay. To correct the false is more difficult than to imbibe the true. Did you ever think of that before?

A very striking, and rather unfortunate instance of this false style of judgment occurred not many days afterwards in reference to some Kafir princes and chiefs: it was on the occasion of my quitting Port Elizabeth for Capetown. We were to have started on a Saturday afternoon, but a gale said "no," and we left on Sunday morning.

At Capetown I met one of the heads of a large Cape Colony school for Negroes which is conducted under religious auspices. The occasion was a dinner given by J. X. Merriman, the Grand Old Man of the Cape Colony. This particular educator spoke with glowing enthusiasm about this institution and dwelt particularly upon the evolution that was being accomplished.

Give guarantee, or you can telegraph before Charles Leonard arrived. This doubtless alludes to the necessity for guarantee mentioned in the message from S.W. Jameson, and the alternative suggestion was that authority to proceed should be given before the arrival of the Johannesburg delegate at Capetown. Two hours later on the same day he sends another message of the utmost importance.

Replies were sent to him and to the Capetown agents protesting against the tone adopted, urging him to desist from the endeavour to rush the Johannesburg people as they were pushing matters on to the best of their ability and hoped for a successful issue without recourse to violent measures, and stating emphatically that the decision must be left entirely in the hands of Johannesburg as agreed, otherwise there would be certain disaster.

These utterances were made during those more or less hasty meals at the House of Parliament when the Premier's mind was really in the Legislative Hall nearby where he was fighting for his administrative life. It was far different out at Groote Schuur, the home of the Prime Minister, located in Rondebosch, a suburb about nine miles from Capetown.

It is very coarse and unintellectual of me; but I would rather see this now, at my age, than Italy; the fresh, new, beautiful nature is a second youth or CHILDHOOD si vous voulez. To-morrow we shall cross the highest pass I have yet crossed, and sleep at Paarl then Stellenbosch, then Capetown.