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Updated: August 5, 2024

The modern pieces the most in vogue and most attractive are Le Prisonnier, l'Opera Comique, a piece so called, Le Calife de Bagdad, Maison a vendre, D'Auberge en Auberge, and a few others of the same description. All these are really pleasing comedies. The Theatre Feydeau itself was also in possession of a great number of stock-pieces, among which were some in the style of the Grand French Opera.

Il y a dans Bethléem des cordeliers qui ont une église ils font le service divin; mais ils sont dans une grande sujétion des Sarrasins. La ville n'a pour habitans, que des Sarrasins et quelques chrétiens de la ceinture. [Footnote: L'an 235 de l'hégire, 856 de l'ère chrétienne, le calife Motouakkek astreignit les chrétiens et les Juifs

The stories of him quite bring one back to the "Arabian Nights," and they could not have chosen a more appropriate ballet for him than "Le Calife Voleur." If he stayed long enough, he might revolutionise the hours of London. I was close to Blücher yesterday, but only saw his back, for I never thought of looking at a man's face who had only a black coat on.

Ce prince, la gloire de l'Occident, avoit, par ses conquêtes et ses grandes qualités, attiré l'attention d'un homme qui remplissoit également l'Orient de sa renommée: c'étoit le célèbre calife Haroun-al-Raschild. Haroun, empressé de témoigner

Rélation d'une Conférence Théologique, presidée par le Calife Mamoun, Paris, 1887. Further, undoubtedly under Persian books must be reckoned the book of the 'Counsels' of ancient kings and the book of the 'Questions' to certain Wisemen, and their Answers. If these are not of direct Persian origin they are similar in contents to Persian books.

Other operas followed in rapid succession, among which may be mentioned "La Dot de Suzette" and "Le Calife de Bagdad" . The latter of these was remarkably popular, and drew from the severe Cherubim the following rebuke: "Malheureux! Are you not ashamed of such undeserved triumph?"

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