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The rector, he knows, breakfasts alone at half-past nine, the ladies of the family having a different breakfast-hour; Arthur will have an early ride over the hill and breakfast with him. One can say everything best over a meal. The progress of civilization has made a breakfast or a dinner an easy and cheerful substitute for more troublesome and disagreeable ceremonies.

If he wanted an early breakfast, he could have a cup of coffee or chocolate or milk in his room for the asking. But the family breakfast-hour was at eleven, a true French breakfast, and attended with all the forms of dinner except in dress. The castle-bell was rung; the household collected in the parlor; and all descended in one order to the dining-room.

"Goot-night, Elspie," was all the reply. Next morning McKay did not make his appearance at the usual breakfast-hour, and, on going to his room, they found him lying speechless in his bed, suffering under a stroke of paralysis.

At this moment a scene was taking place between the minister and des Lupeaulx which decided Rabourdin's fate. The general-secretary had gone to see the minister in his private study before the breakfast-hour, to make sure that La Briere was not within hearing. "Your Excellency is not treating me frankly "

Another man took over his duties about the person of the general, and but for Foedor's absence everything returned to its usual routine in the house of Count Tchermayloff. Two months went by in this way, without anybody having the least suspicion of what had happened, when one morning before the usual breakfast-hour the general begged his daughter to come down to his room.

But on the following morning circumstances led to Frank Gresham's name being mentioned. At the usual breakfast-hour the doctor entered the parlour with a harassed face. He had an open letter in his hand, and it was at once clear to Mary that he was going to speak on some subject that vexed him. "That unfortunate fellow is again in trouble. Here is a letter from Greyson."

Whatever happened during the long days, they had a pleasant breakfast-hour and a pleasant evening together. They seldom saw their brothers at other times during the first few months. Harry's hours were long, and Arthur's business was increasing so as to require close attention.

What is your breakfast-hour?" "Half-past nine." "Is Mrs. Lecount an early riser?" "No. Lecount is lazy in the morning. I hate lazy women! If you were in my place, what should you say to her?" "I should say nothing," replied Captain Wragge. "I should return at once by the back way; I should let Mrs.

I would like to have your advice; send it as soon as possible. On Thursday morning, after finishing my letter, I went down to give it to the messenger, who leaves quite early; then, as it only wanted a few minutes of the breakfast-hour, I walked into the drawing-room, which was still empty.

He woke at the usual breakfast-hour, and then went about drowsing throughout the day till the tea began again in the afternoon.