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"Get the key from Bratt's, and get my box, if he hasn't had it carried in to Bratt's already, and then wait for the cab to come." "Just fancy him shutting you out of the house like that, and no warning!" Alice said, shocked. "Yes. You see he's very particular about his house. He's afraid I might ruin it, I suppose. He's just like an old maid, you know, only a hundred times worse."

Maddack sank down on to the sofa. "Come?" Mrs. Baines repeated. "Of course she's not come! What do you mean, sister?" "The very moment she got Constance's letter yesterday, saying you were ill in bed and she'd better come over to help in the shop, she started. I got Bratt's dog-cart for her." Mrs. Baines in her turn also sank down on to the sofa. "I've not been ill," she said.

She had always travelled from Axe to Bursley in the same vehicle, a small waggonette which she hired from Bratt's livery stables at Axe, driven by a coachman who thoroughly understood the importance, and the peculiarities, of Aunt Harriet. Mrs. Baines had increased in stoutness, so that now Aunt Harriet had very little advantage over her, physically.

As they had not yet discussed whether correspondence should be absolutely common property, Alice looked discreetly away while Herbert read: "Dear nephew, I've gone on for a week or two on business, and sent Jane Sarah home. Her's in need of a holiday. You must lodge at Bratt's meantime. I've had your things put in there, and they've gotten the keys of the house. Yours affly, S. Roden."

Bratt's was next door but one, and Jane Sarah was the Roden servant, aged fifty or more. "Well, I'm !" exclaimed Herbert. "Well, I never!" exclaimed Alice when she had read the letter. "What's the meaning ?" "Don't ask me!" Herbert replied. "Going off like this!" exclaimed Alice. "Yes, my word!" exclaimed Herbert. "But what are you to do?" Alice asked.

Without another word Herbert went into Bratt's and got the keys. Then the cab came up with Alice's luggage lashed to the roof, and the driver, astounded, had to assist in carrying it into Si's house. He was then dismissed, and not with a bouncing tip either. We are in the Five Towns. He got a reasonable tip, no more. The Bratts, vastly intrigued, looked inconspicuously on.