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My notions were drawn from Ellis's "Polynesian Researches" an admirable and most interesting work, but naturally looking at everything under a favourable point of view, from Beechey's "Voyage;" and from that of Kotzebue, which is strongly adverse to the whole missionary system. He who compares these three accounts will, I think, form a tolerably accurate conception of the present state of Tahiti.

The Russian fur trade Kruzenstern appointed to the command of an expedition Noukha-Hiva Nangasaki Reconnaisance of the coast of Japan Yezo The Ainos Saghalien Return to Europe Otto von Kotzebue Stay at Easter Island Penrhyn The Radak Archipelago Return to Russia Changes at Otaheite and the Sandwich Islands Beechey's Voyage Easter Island Pitcairn and the mutineers of the Bounty The Paumoto Islands Otaheite and the Sandwich Islands The Bonin Islands Lütke The Quebradas of Valparaiso Holy week in Chili New Archangel The Kaloches Ounalashka The Caroline Archipelago The canoes of the Caroline Islanders Guam, a desert island Beauty and happy situation of the Bonin Islands The Tchouktchees: their manners and their conjurors Return to Russia.

It is unfortunate that the upraised coral-islands in the Pacific have not been examined by a geologist. The cliffs of Elizabeth Island, in the Low Archipelago, are eighty feet high, and appear, from Captain Beechey's description, to consist of a homogeneous coral-rock.

Such at the time of Beechey's arrival was the state of the colony at Pitcairn. The navigator, well received by the inhabitants, whose virtuous conduct recalled the golden age, remained amongst them eighteen days.

Thomas Simpson now made his way overland with five men to Port Barrow, already sighted in the direction of Behring Strait by one of Beechey's officers, so that the whole of the North American coast from Cape Turn-again to Behring's Strait was now complete, and there was nothing left to do but to explore the space between the former and Point Ogle, a task accomplished by the explorers in a later expedition.

Buckland to Beechey's Voyage; also the writings of Chamisso in Kotzebue's Voyage. "A number of these animals had some time since entered the town, in a body, to possess themselves of the wells, not being able to procure any water in the country.

They were bound for my Lord Burlington's, or the Earl of Mulgrave's, or Sir William Beechey's for a destination where they were a couple of mark and distinction, to be received with the utmost consideration. Sam reared smartly his round but not ill-proportioned person in his rich brocade coat, and Clary towered in the corner with her white throat, and her filmy ivory-coloured laces.

One of Beechey's distinctions is to have outnumbered even Lawrence in his contributions to the Academy, as three hundred and sixty-two of his works appeared on its walls. Of hasty execution or too great dependence on a dangerous facility, there is, however, little trace in his work.

The accompanying sketch of Whitsunday island, in the South Pacific, taken from Captain Beechey's admirable "Voyage," although excellent of its kind, gives but a faint idea of the singular aspect of one of these lagoon-islands. Whitsunday Island is of small size, and the whole circle has been converted into land, which is a comparatively rare circumstance.

In her note, by the way, she tells me that Captain John Franklin has written to her from York, asking permission to call upon her on his way north. You know that the Arctic Expedition is to go overland, by way of Penetanguishene and Rupert's Land, and is to effect a junction with Captain Beechey's party operating from Hudson's Bay." "So I learned before I left England," replied Edward.