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Updated: August 22, 2024

Kruzenstern also saw Hiva-Hoa, the Dominica of Mendaña, and at Noukha-Hiva met an Englishman named Roberts, and a Frenchman named Cabritt, whose knowledge of the language was of great service to him. The incidents of the stay in the Marquesas Archipelago are of little interest, they were much the same as those related in Cook's Voyages.

At the time of Kruzenstern's visit to Noukha-Hiva, cannibalism was still largely practised, but the traveller had no tangible proof of the prevalence of the custom.

Yet in spite of all this, how often have their instruments, their canoes, and their nets, excited the admiration of travellers. On the 18th May, 1804, the Nadiejeda and the Neva left Noukha-Hiva for the Sandwich Islands, where Kruzenstern had decided to stop and lay in a store of fresh provisions, which he had been unable to do at his last anchorage, where seven pigs were all he could get.

They did not meet again until both reached Noukha-Hiva. Kruzenstern having given up all idea of touching at Easter Island, now made for the Marquesas, or Mendoza Archipelago, and determined the position of Fatongou and Udhugu Islands, called Washington by the American Captain Ingraham, who discovered them in 1791, a few weeks before Captain Marchand, who named them Revolution Islands.

The Russian fur trade Kruzenstern appointed to the command of an expedition Noukha-Hiva Nangasaki Reconnaisance of the coast of Japan Yezo The Ainos Saghalien Return to Europe Otto von Kotzebue Stay at Easter Island Penrhyn The Radak Archipelago Return to Russia Changes at Otaheite and the Sandwich Islands Beechey's Voyage Easter Island Pitcairn and the mutineers of the Bounty The Paumoto Islands Otaheite and the Sandwich Islands The Bonin Islands Lütke The Quebradas of Valparaiso Holy week in Chili New Archangel The Kaloches Ounalashka The Caroline Archipelago The canoes of the Caroline Islanders Guam, a desert island Beauty and happy situation of the Bonin Islands The Tchouktchees: their manners and their conjurors Return to Russia.

Nails and pieces of iron were much sought after by these people, whom Kotzebue likens to the natives of Noukha-Hiva. They do not exactly tatoo themselves, but cover their bodies with large scars. A curious fashion not before noticed amongst the islanders of Oceania prevails amongst them.

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