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As he sat at the piano playing Chopin, I thought of Busoni, of the Bechstein piano, of what fingers can do, of many other extraneous things, never of Chopin.

I began to fear for the balance of my well-ordered mind." "Well," said Myra, coming out from behind her red parasol, "you and Dal can have orgies of music here if you want them. You will find a piano in the drawing-room and another in the hall, and a Bechstein grand in the billiard-room. That is where I hold the practices for the men and maids.

Here were collected a red plush suite, which was the pride of Frau Furst's heart, and all the round, yellowing family photographs; here, too, stood the well-used Bechstein, pile upon pile of music, a couple of music-stands, a bust of Schubert, a faded, framed diploma.

"They are to be fed," says Bechstein, "on summer rape-seed, moistened in water; and their food must be varied by the addition of millet, radish, cabbage, lettuce and plantain-seeds, and sometimes a few bruised melon-seeds or barberries."

To those already mentioned, I should like to add the names of Hopkinson and Brinsmead in England; Bechstein and Bluthner in Germany; all well-known makers. By HENRY A. MOTT, JR., Ph.D., etc. This salt is an article of commerce, and is used technically and medicinally. Nitrate of silver possesses an acrid metallic taste and acts as a violent poison.

As they had not read Bechstein, or any other author on bird-keeping, and thousands of the birds must have been total strangers to them, how did they know what diet to supply them with, and where could they get it, supposing they had time to supply them at all?

After visiting the National Gallery, or Hertford House, or hearing Brahms or Beethoven at the Bechstein Hall, she would come back to find a new person awaiting her, in whose soul were imbedded some grains of the invaluable substance which she still called reality, and still believed that she could find.

How they were obtained, we have, of course, no knowledge. Bechstein says that larks may be fed with "a paste made of grated carrot, white bread soaked in water, and barley or wheat meal, all worked together in a mortar.

"That is less than a month." "I wish it weren't. But I have to sing in London at the Bechstein Hall early in June. So I'm running it pretty close as it is." "May the twenty-eighth you go, then," said Claude. "That's it. But why these higher mathematics?" Claude only smiled and went out of the room. "What is he up to, Mrs. Charmian?" asked Lake mystified. "I don't know," she answered.

Looks like either French or German then. I'll send you the date. It'll be the second week in September. And you can come round to the theatre and try the piano Bechstein. 'And what do you think I had better play, Mr. Otto? 'You must play what you have just played, of course. Tschaikowsky's all the rage just now. Your left hand's very weak, especially in the last movement.