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I understand that the summer lounge of the modern elegantes has, of late years, been from the corner of the Rue Grange Bateliere to that of the Rue Mont-Blanc, where the ladies took their seats. This attracting the muscadins in great numbers, not long since obtained for that part of the Boulevard the appellation of Petit Coblentz.

"Yes, a miserable idiot, who had been so long in confinement for a murder that he was forgotten by the authorities, was substituted for me. At length I obtained, through the assistance of my sister, the position of concierge in the Hôtel Marboeuf, in the Rue Grange Bateliere. I entered on my new place yesterday evening, and was desired to awaken the gentleman on the third floor at seven o'clock.

When passers-by met him on the pavement he did his best to look and walk in a leisurely way, for he fancied they were reading his secret in the very swing of his shoulders. He had followed the Rue de la Grange Bateliere as far as the Rue du Faubourg Montmartre, where the brilliant lamplight surprised him, and he retraced his steps.

To save my life Claperon substituted the senseless being for me, on the scaffold, and he was executed in my stead. He has quitted the country, and I have been a vagabond on the face of the earth ever since that time. At length I obtained, through the assistance of my sister, the situation of concierge in the Hôtel Marboeuf, in the Rue Grange Batelière.

Bal du Sallon des Etrangers, Rue Grange Bateliere. 27. de l'Hotel de Salm, Rue de Lille, Faubourg St. Germain. 28. de la Rue Michaudiere. Soirees amusantes de l'Hotel Longueville, Place du Carrousel. Veillees de la Cite, vis-a-vis le Palais de Justice. Phantasmagorie de Robertson, Cour des Capucines. Concert de Feydeau. Ranelagh au bois de Boulogne. Tivoli, Rue de Clichy, S.

The duke, upon arriving in Paris, availed himself of temporary accommodations in furnished apartments in the Rue Grange Batelière. One of his first steps was to repair incognito to the home of his fathers. The Swiss servants who guarded the palace still wore the imperial livery.

At an earlier hour than usual for Parisian fashion never fills the opera-house until the curtain falls on the second act the Rue Lepelletier was crowded with carriages, La Pinon with fiacres, and the Grande Batelière and the passages to the Boulevard des Italiens with persons on foot, all hastening toward that magnificent edifice, constructed within the space of a single year by Debret, to replace the building in the Rue de Richelieu ordered to be razed by the Government because of the assassination at its door of the Duke of Berri, in 1820 that magnificent structure which accommodates two thousand spectators with seats.

Antoine de Chaulieu was now fairly started in his career, and his success was as rapid as the first step toward it had been tardy. He took a pretty apartment in the Hôtel Marboeuf, Rue Grange Batelière, and in a short time was looked upon as one of the most rising young advocates in Paris.

But it must be said to his credit that his predilection for this walk was not entirely egotistical: it also led to the Marsh of the Grange Bateliere, whose black and gloomy waters attracted a great many of those dragon-flies with the gauzy wings and golden bodies which children delight to pursue.

Midnight is the general hour for the commencement of such diversions; but, owing to the long train of carriages setting down company at this ball, it was near two o'clock before I could arrive at the scene of action, in the Rue Grange Bateliere, near the Boulevards.