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They stopped and cheered three times three, throwing up their bonnets." The Queen describes the characteristic demonstration, and she then mentions listening with pleasure "to the distant shouts and the sound of the pibroch." There were two drawbacks to the peace and happiness of Balmoral this year.

Speaking at Balmoral to an Indian Christian lady, a member of one of the royal families of India the only lady perhaps who ever conversed in Hindustani with Queen Victoria she expressed her regret that more Anglo-Indian ladies did not get up the native language, sufficiently at least to let them visit their Indian sisters.

While her Majesty was at Balmoral, the marriages of a niece and nephew of hers took place in Germany Princess Feodore, the youngest daughter of the Princess of Hehenlohe, married the Duke of Saxe-Meiningen; and Ernest, Prince of Leiningen, the eldest son of the late Prince of Leiningen, who was in the English navy, married Princess Marie Amelie of Baden.

The Queen took possession of the new castle at Balmoral in the autumn of 1855, and a year later she wrote that 'every year my heart becomes more fixed in this dear paradise, and so much more so now, that all has become my dear Albert's own creation, own work, own building, own laying out, as at Osborne; and his great taste, and the impress of his dear hand, have been stamped everywhere.

Sittings took place at Windsor Castle, Sandringham, Marlborough House, Osborne, and Balmoral. One dog died after first sitting; had to finish from dead dog. Live in charming little cottage with genuine old-fashioned garden in St. John's Wood." Mrs.

This orator was Benjamin Disraeli. A Troublous Time Louis Philippe an Exile The Purchase of Balmoral A Letter of Prince Albert's Another attempt on the Queen's Life The Queen's instructions to the Governess of her Daughters A visit to Ireland Death of Dowager Queen Adelaide. At last came 1848 a year packed with political convulsions and overthrows.

And the Queen did more than contribute money: orders for work were sent from Windsor Castle, Osborne and Balmoral; and the blind people delighted in saying that they were making brooms for the Queen. The benefit to the blind was not confined to what Miss Gilbert was doing herself, but general interest in their welfare was excited in all parts of the kingdom.

We go to Castle Cragg." "But why could you not have told me that before?" "My dear, I like to be agreeable. And people who are always setting others right are not so." "Is Lord Hurstmonceux at Castle Cragg?" "The earl is at Balmoral, in attendance upon her majesty." "Then why do we not go to Balmoral?" "The queen holds no drawing rooms there."

Wasn't her black silk dress made long and full, and the old pongee fixed into a Balmoral, and hadn't she a bran-new cap with purple ribbon, and couldn't she travel in her delaine, and didn't she wear hoops always now, except at cleanin' house times?

When his birthday came round, she took the greatest pains to choose him presents that he would really like. In 1858, when he was thirty-nine, she gave him "a picture of Beatrice, life-size, in oil, by Horsley, a complete collection of photographic views of Gotha and the country round, which I had taken by Bedford, and a paper-weight of Balmoral granite and deers' teeth, designed by Vicky."