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Updated: August 19, 2024

I threw away the end of my smoked-out cigar and entered my own rooms. Calling Vincenzo, who was now resigned and even eager to go to Avellino, I gave him his final instructions, and placed in his charge the iron cash-box, which, unknown to him, contained 12,000 francs in notes and gold.

He had gone; one of the waiters at the hotel, a friend of his, had accompanied him and seen him into the train for Avellino. He had looked in at the ball-room before leaving, and had watched me stand up to dance with my wife, then "with tears in his eyes" so said the vivacious little waiter who had just returned from the station he had started without daring to wish me good-bye.

"Do you see any possible objection to our doing that? Society ought to be satisfied." "I should think so," answered Taquisara. "I should think that anything would be better than Avellino and all the relations. As for going back to Naples and having a municipal wedding there, and no religious ceremony, I would not do it if I were you.

But then Donna Veronica would know, and Gianluca would have to know it, too. I came here to tell you that they are seriously thinking of sending for the syndic, to publish the banns of marriage at the municipality and marry them legally, after which the Duca and Duchessa will go to Avellino, and leave them here together.

On the whole, I was glad he had seen me undisguised, as it was a relief to me to be without my smoked glasses for a time, and during all the rest of my stay at Avellino I never wore them once. One day I saw Lilla.

When she next wrote, Veronica made no reference to this hint of his. The man was not the same person to her as the correspondent, and she very much preferred exchanging letters with him to any conversation. She did not forget what he had said, however, and when she supposed that the Della Spina family had gone to the country she addressed her letters to him near Avellino.

There are not only over thirteen in the neighbourhood of Rome, but they are found also at Otricoli, Soriano, Spoleto, Vindena, Chiusi, Lucca, Castellamare, Prata by Avellino, Aquila, Puzzuoli, Baiae, Nola, Canesa, Tropea, Manfredonia, Venisa this last perhaps Jewish. There are five sets of them at Naples. Others in Malta. In Spain at Ancona, Siviglia, and Elvira.

I can laugh to think of it all now; but THEN then I moved, spoke, and acted like a human machine impelled by stronger forces than my own in all things precise, in all things inflexible. Within the week of my return from Avellino my coming marriage with the Countess Romani was announced.

You will not have to wait long, and in the mean time," here I smiled, "you can make love to Lilla." Vincenzo did not return the smile. "But but," he stammered, sorely perplexed "if I go to Avellino I cannot wait upon the eccellenza. There is the portmanteau to pack and who will see to the luggage when you leave on Friday morning for Rome?

"Eccellenza, I would as soon tear the Madonna from her altars as vex or frighten Lilla!" I smiled and said no more, but turned into the house. From that moment I resolved to let this little love-idye have a fair chance of success. Therefore I remained at Avellino much longer than I had at first intended, not for my own sake, but for Vincenzo's. He served me faithfully; he should have his reward.

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