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Updated: August 17, 2024

"No, for I have never seen two men so much alike that one could be mistaken for the other. Still more, I have never heard that there exists in Pi-Bast a man who could counterfeit our viceroy, may he live through eternity!" "That man," said the chief, "was in Pi-Bast, at the temple of Astaroth. The Tyrian Prince Hiram knew him, and our viceroy has seen him with his own eyes.

That same day the worthy Hiram visited Ramses and gave him in a gold tube a parchment furnished with a number of seals of priests and signatures of Phoenician notables. That was the decision of the spiritual court of Astaroth, which released Kama from her vows and freed her from the curse if she would renounce the name which she had borne while priestess.

Thou art inexperienced, though surrounded by a net of intrigues, but I have been the friend of thy grandfather and thy father. Now I will render thee a service: Come in the night to the temple of Astaroth, but bind thyself to keep the secret. Come alone, and Thou wilt be convinced as to who the gods are who speak in the temples and touch us." "I will come," said Ramses, after some meditation.

She could speak in the voices of all women, hence she was named "Echo," and we might fancy that, like the witch of the Brocken, she could appear to every man in the likeness of his own first love. The ancient Egyptians either knew her, or invented legends of her to amuse the inquiring Greeks. She had touched at Sidon, and perhaps Astaroth is only her Sidonian name.

"There's another thing," said the chief of police, "which appears in several of the complaints that I received about you, that nasty animal " "What, Astaroth?" said Madame Fontaine. "Yes, that batrachian, that toad, to come down to his right name. It seems he nearly killed a woman who was pregnant "

"What?" interrupted Rabsun, astounded. "The priestess of the holy goddess Astaroth to be a favorite of an Egyptian?" "Thou wouldst prefer that she were thine," sneered Dagon. "She can even cease to be high priestess when it is necessary to bring her near the court." "Thou speakest truth," said Hiram. "But that is sacrilege!" said Rabsun, indignantly.

"Poor woman," said the high priest Sem, "I will send to thee a mighty worker of miracles; he may." "May ye be blessed by Astaroth! No, may your almighty and compassionate gods bless you," whispered Kama, in dreadful weariness. The dignitaries left the prison and returned to the upper hall. The nomarch, seeing that the high priest Mefres kept his eyes cast down and his lips fixed, asked him,

But I shall not yield a drachma; I may add, at most, a few sheep to let them celebrate a solemn service. The heavenly Astaroth will appear then, and will free thee from vows if I add a gold chain or a goblet." While listening to these statements Kama bit her lips to restrain laughter; and he continued, "If Thou go with me to Nineveh, Thou wilt be a great lady.

"The Queen of Sheba" was first produced in Vienna, March 10, 1875, and was first heard in this country at New York, Dec. 2, 1885, when the cast was as follows: KING SOLOMON Herr ROBINSON. HIGH-PRIEST Herr FISCHER. SULAMITH Fraülein LEHMANN. ASSAD Herr STRITT. BAAL HANAN Herr ALEXI. QUEEN OF SHEBA Frau KRAMER-WEIDL. ASTAROTH Fraülein BRANDT.

On those evenings when he attended the Board, she sought higher consolation in prayer meeting at the Southern Baptist Church, in whose exercises her Northern and Eastern neighbors, thinly disguised as "Baal" and "Astaroth," were generally overthrown and their temples made desolate. If Uncle Ben's progress was slower, it was no less satisfactory.

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