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Updated: August 1, 2024

It seemed the most cruel, the most wrong thing of all the world that men and above all, women should turn their most unloving face upon the face of love. Of which things she thought again as she passed various Centralias and wondered if there were Anns longing for love in all those unlovely places.

Anns, and at this place was the Indian church and the Residence of the French missionary; the church and other buildings about it are all demolished by the Indians themselves." In the summer of 1767, Father Charles Francois Bailly came to the River St. John and established himself at Aukpaque, or, as he calls it, "la mission d'Ekouipahag en la Riviere St. Jean."

That health and prosperity may be yours, and that the evening of your days may be as free from a cloud as your past life has been unspotted, is the sincere desire of the corps in whose behalf we have the honor to subscribe ourselves." The experience of the disbanded soldiers, who wintered with their families at St. Anns, was even more trying than that of those who remained at Parrtown.

Anns, for he makes an affidavit before Major Studholme at that place on the 13th of October, stating that by the wreck of the Martha he had lost in tools, stores and baggage, property of the value of £200 stg. His loss included the greater part of his effects and left him well nigh penniless. Col.

John brought disaster to the settlers there some years later, but of this we shall hear more by and by. The names of most of the heads of families settled at Maugerville appear in the earlier account books of Simonds & White, and later we have those of the settlers at Gagetown, Burton and St. Anns.

"It was you proposed it, then," said the sergeant, "and I say, Steen, if you be a true man you have a right to go, and no right at all to shirk your duty. But stop I'll settle it in a word's speaking: here you you old Papish, where are you? oh, I see you're there, are you? Come now, gentlemen, shoulder arms all right present anns.

Anns about 1769 where at the time the Loyalists arrived he is reported to have had a good framed house and log barn and about 30 acres of land, cleared in part by the French. This land was near the Government House, and here in early days, Messrs. Simonds & White established a trading post to which the Indians and Acadians and some of the English settlers resorted.

Gathering her in fiercely, presently the sobs grew quieter. Later she wiped her eyes upon her child and, kissing her tenderly, put her down and went over to King William's; the time was short and she could have Sally Ann afterward. The next day the cottage was closed and the shutters made fast. Alexina felt lonesome even to look over there, and Sally Anns are but silent comforters.

Anns "only between the first of January and the last of February and then many times difficult." In the extracts just quoted Mr. Simonds states that during the winter of 1769 there had been but few days that the ground was covered with snow, and two years later he says that up to the 18th of February there had not been a single day's sledding.

Anns, they lost no time in making a shelter for themselves nearly opposite the river Nashwaak ... and they commenced their survey at the small gravelly point near Government House, with the intention of surveying a township to terminate twelve miles below that place, but after surveying the courses of the river about four miles downward, a large company of Indians, came down about nine miles, from their Priest's residence with his Interpreter, all having painted faces of divers colours and figures and dressed in their war habits.

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