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"Yes unless something happens to keep me at home." The doctor's eyebrows still expressed disapproval. For what object was the meeting proposed? And why at a museum? "Good-afternoon, Doctor Allday." "Good-afternoon, sir." For a moment after Alban's departure, the doctor stood irresolute. Arriving suddenly at a decision, he snatched up his hat, and turned to Emily in a hurry.

"Unexpectedly obliged to leave London," he repeated, as he got into the cab again. "Her flight condemns her: not a doubt of it now. As fast as you can!" he shouted to the man; directing him to drive to Emily's cottage. Arriving at the cottage, Doctor Allday discovered a gentleman, who was just closing the garden gate behind him.

Rook's recovery?" Miss Ladd held up her hands in amazement. "Recovery!" she exclaimed. "And a most remarkable recovery too," Alban informed her. "It is the first case on record of any person getting over such an injury as she has received. Doctor Allday looked grave when he heard of it. 'I begin to believe in the devil, he said; 'nobody else could have saved Mrs.

The ring at the bell was followed by the appearance of a visitor. Doctor Allday opened the door, just in time to hear Emily's last words. Her vehemence seemed to amuse him. "Who is Mrs. Rook?" he asked. "A most respectable person," Emily answered indignantly; "housekeeper to Sir Jervis Redwood. You needn't sneer at her, Doctor Allday!

Ellmother made the most of this concession, in the fear that Emily might change her mind. "Doctor Allday may call on you tomorrow," she said. "Do you mean that you have sent for him?" "Don't be angry! I did it for the best and Mr. Mirabel agreed with me." "Mr. Mirabel! What have you told Mr. Mirabel?" "Nothing, except that you are ill. When he heard that, he proposed to go for the doctor.

Doctor Allday was an elderly man, with a cool manner and a ruddy complexion thoroughly acclimatized to the atmosphere of pain and grief in which it was his destiny to live. "That's a curious woman," he said, when Mrs. Ellmother closed the door; "the most headstrong person, I think, I ever met with. But devoted to her mistress, and, making allowance for her awkwardness, not a bad nurse.

Stating her purpose in calling on him in those plain terms, she added to the amazement which Alban already felt, by handing to him as if she was presenting an introduction a letter marked, "Private," addressed to her by Doctor Allday. "I may tell you," she premised, "that I had no idea of troubling you, until Doctor Allday suggested it. I wrote to him in the first instance; and there is his reply.

Noticeable features, of a Jewish cast worn and haggard, but still preserving their grandeur of form were visible through her veil. She moved with grace and dignity; and she stated her object in consulting Doctor Allday with the ease of a well-bred woman.

"But I may with perfect propriety repeat what Miss Jethro said to me, in allusion to later events in her life which are connected with my own personal experience. She recalled to my memory a visit which she had paid to me at Netherwoods, and a letter addressed to her by Doctor Allday, which I had read at her express request.

Without otherwise noticing what Doctor Allday had said, she laid the consultation fee on the table. At the same moment, the footman appeared with a letter. "From Miss Emily Brown," he said. "No answer required." He held the door open as he delivered the message, seeing that Miss Jethro was about to leave the room. She dismissed him by a gesture; and, returning to the table, pointed to the letter.